05/26/2021 PB Minutes
2155 Main Street
Bethlehem, NH 03574
Planning Board
May 26, 2021
6 p.m.
Town Hall: Johnathan Stevenson, Mike Bruno, Kevin Roy, and Marie Stevenson
Excused absence: Kim Koprowski, Anthony Rodrigues, and Chris Jensen
Remote: Peter Roy
Chair Stevenson opened the meeting and read the AGENDA.
All stood for the pledge of allegiance.
Mr. Stevenson appointed Peter Roy as a voting member.
Josh Dannin presented his home business conceptual.
He and Laura Michelle Angers recently purchased a home in Bethlehem. He has converted his outbuilding into an art studio. Most of his business is conducted online. There will be little to no traffic coming to the studio. He will place a sandwich board on his property for open hours. There are no plans for events or classes yet. If this changes he will request to address the board at that time.
Board input: the board discussed other home business coming before the board. Peter Roy said that this will have very little impact to the neighborhood. If this changes the applicate has said he will request a meeting with the board.
Public input: Rita Farrell said that she will visit.
Peter Roy motion to waive site plan, due to minimal impact on the neighborhood. Marie Stevenson second. 5-0 passed.
Kevin Roy was appointed Chair for the night. He appointed Anthony Rodrigues and Peter Roy as voting members.
Open Crowe lot line
He then read the public notice for Rebecca and Chris Crowe Lot line adjustment.
Steven Boulanger Consulting explained to the board the adjustment. Map 404, lot 45 is going from 71.1 acres to 56.5 acres. Map 403 lot 30.4 is going to become 20.03 acres.
There was no public or board input.
Kim Koprowski motion to approve the lot line adjustment for Rebecca and Chris Crowe. Peter Roy second. 6-0 passed.
Minutes: April 21, 2021
Marie Stevenson motion to approve minutes from 4-21-21. Chris Jensen second. 5-1 passed. Mr. Rodrigues abstained
Acting Chair Kevin Roy moved on to board business. Mr. Jensen would like the board to adopt a form to ensure conditions on applications are being followed thru. Kevin Roy would like to see a signature and date added to the form. Board members liked the idea of the form, but who is going to monitor the code officer signing off on an occupancy permit to ensure all conditions have been met.
Kevin Roy motion to adjourn. Chris Jensen second. 6-0 passed.
Respectfully submitted.
Deb Bayley
Planning/Zoning Clerk