05/26/2022 CC Minutes
2155 Main Street
Bethlehem, NH 03574
Bethlehem Conservation Commission Meeting
May 26, 2022
6:00 P.M.
Bethlehem Public Library; and virtually
Members present: Lindsay Webb, Chair, Margaret Gale, Cheryl Jensen, Vivian Winterhoff, Chris Jensen (SB Ex-Officio)
Public present: Barry Zitser
The meeting was called to order at 6:03 by Chair.
Public comment:
Barry Zitser presented his Op-Ed letter: “A Challenge to the NH Beverage Industry,” making reference to the beverage industry’s “Every Bottle Back” campaign, including TV ads. The stated goal of the campaign is 100% “recovery” of bottles for recycling by 2030. BZ sees a connection between this goal and passage of a “Bottle Bill” in NH. He would like to have support of the BCC for this advocacy, and hopes eventually to make a presentation to the NH Solid Waste Working Group (SWWG).
The general consensus of the BCC was that we certainly support a Bottle deposit bill for NH and have gone on record in support during the last legislative session. We could also write a LTE or Op-Ed of our own. L.W will review Barry’s letter and suggest edits. .We will aim to be prepared for the next legislative session
At 6:20 P.M., there being no remote participants, LW ended the Zoom option.
2022 Roadside Clean-up Wrap-up: Cheryl gave us the following figures:
there were 35 participants who registered with us at the Gazebo; compared to 45 in 2021;
67 bags were collected per the pickup volunteers (vs. 140 in 2021)
NCES/Casella weighed our bags at 780 pounds;
there was one hypodermic needle recorded;
In spite of many complaints about roadside litter around town, the turnout was down. CJ was especially disappointed after all the PR that she/we did. She will send thank-you’s and a LTE as usual. We wondered if Margaret Hocking’s informal “litter group” has had an effect on our clean-up day results. We discussed the timing but did not think there would be a better time, considering snow melt, etc.
LW will remind Road Agent Brett Jackson about our concerns around “roadside mowing” and the shredding of glass and metal litter, as per the remarks of Andre Aoun last spring. Ideally, there could be litter clean-up by volunteers BEFORE the road crew mows.
Litter Free Campaign/Ten Towns Toolkit:
Cheryl has found that she cannot keep up with the Ten Towns Toolkit; she will try to spread out the load to others. There is a campaign for a Plastic-Free July; anyone can take the pledge. Bethlehem did get “credit” for the Apparel Inc. Textile Bin that Nancy Strand and the Transfer Station Committee arranged for near the Town Hall. It seems to be quite popular!
Minutes to Approve: Cheryl made a motion to approve the minutes of the April 28 meeting; Vivian seconded; vote in the affirmative.
Treasurer’s Report: MG reported that the balance in the Town Appropriation account as of 5/23 was $985.02. The WGSB Savings Account had a balance of $15,135.25 as of 4/28/2022.
Mail: the mail list was reviewed:
Adair Condo Project: There is a Wildlife Assessment Report on file at the Town Office; there will be a Planning Board meeting on Wed. June 8, to judge the completeness of the application; later hearings will be scheduled if appropriate.
Town Forest Name: there is general support for renaming the Bethlehem Town Forest as the Tellman-Johnson Town Forest, in honor of Tanya Tellman and Marilyn Johnson. It was suggested that Chris ask Veronica to check with the NH Municipal Assoc. for any appropriate guidance and MG will check with the NHACC also.
Other/New Business:
Next Meeting: the next meeting is scheduled for June 23. Discussion of the July and August meetings was inconclusive; we may meet on August 11, but we will discuss it in June.
Motion to adjourn by Cheryl, seconded by Lindsay, motion passes unanimously. Meeting ended at 7:15 P.M.
Acting secretary: Margaret Gale