05/28/2024 TSC Minutes
2155 Main Street
Bethlehem, NH 03574
Transfer Station Committee Minutes
May 28, 2024
Attendees: Nancy Strand, Julie Seely, Andrea Bryant, Paul Karpawich, Chris Jensen and Barry Zitser (joining through the telephonic miracle).
Bethlehem Public Library, 6 p.m.
Minutes by Chris Jensen
Ms. Strand reported that it was not possible to arrange for George Holt of Aries Engineering to participate in the meeting to discuss cost reductions. However, he will be available for the next meeting.
Mr. Zitser reported on a glass recycling foundation workshop and said it is too soon to apply for a grant from The Recycling Partnership. He also reported that most grants are between $5,000 and $15,000 and typically have gone to large cities or counties, none of which have been in New England.
The committee discussed timing and updating the grants from the U.S.D.A. and Mascoma Bank Foundation. Mr. Zitser said he would be happy to update the Mascoma grant and forward it to town administrator Mary Moritz for possible submission in June or September. The committee agreed that was a good idea. The committee also confirmed plans to resubmit the U.S.D.A. grant in December.
Ms. Strand reported that a Zoom meeting is scheduled between Mr. Zitser and Ms. Strand and an official about the Residential Drop-off Recycling Grant to clarify the town’s grant request.
Ms. Bryant raised a question about how the town will handle hazardous waste and about joining The Pemi-Baker Solid Waste District, which provides the service. Ms. Bryant said she will check into that and joining Pemi-Baker.
There was a discussion about Just Be Greener and enthusiasm for Mr. Karpawich working on an article for a news story on food-waste reduction and the schools.
There was a discussion about it being unfortunate that there is not more space on the town website for up-to-date information from the committee, about the new transfer station and environmental issues. This might reach people who do not get Just Be Greener. Ms. Strand said she would raise the issue with the select board.
Mr. Jensen made a motion to approve the minutes prepared by Mr. Zitser. Mr. Zitser seconded and the motion unanimously passed. Ms. Bryant was absent and abstained.
Mr. Zitser suggested that he and Mr. Jensen might with the manager of the Littleton Transfer Station to explore how Bethlehem and Littleton might work together. The committee authorized the informal meeting.
Mr. Jensen made a motion to adjourn. It was seconded by Ms. Bryant and unanimously approved. The meeting adjourned at 7:09.
The next meeting is June 25th at 6 p.m.