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05/30/2023 TSC Minutes

2155 Main Street
Bethlehem, NH 03574

Transfer Station Committee minutes by Chris Jensen

May 30, 2023 6 p.m.

Attending: Nancy Strand, Margaret Gale, Andrea Bryant, Julie Seely, Barry Zitser and Chris Jensen


There was a brief discussion about the group having only having six members, which may present a problem getting a quorum.


There was a discussion about how to handle the June 5th public hearing. It was agreed that it would be good have committee members share the presentation so that the public can be more familiar with the TSC’s members. The committee then divided up different slides to be presented by various committee members.


The committee agreed that it is important to let everyone know that it is not a final plan. It is an informational meeting that is required as part of the grant submitted to the United States Department of Agriculture. The final plan must be approved by the select board after hearing public comments.


The committee also agreed to re-arrange a few pages to avoid confusion about the final cost to Bethlehem taxpayers. There were a few additional tweaks for clarity with the goal being to fully explain the plan and fully answer questions.


The minutes from May 2nd were unanimously approved. Nancy Strand made the motion. Chris Jensen seconded.


Barry Zitser gave a brief update on the meeting of the Sustainability Working Group, including its mission/vision statement.


The group agreed to meet next on June 13th for a brief recap of the June 5th public hearing since it was a dress rehearsal for the meetings to come. Barring anything that requires immediate action, the committee said the meeting after that would be on August 8th at 6 p.m.


Nancy Strand made a motion to adjourn. It was seconded by Chris Jensen and unanimously adopted at 7:15 p.m.