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06/05/2023 SB Minutes

2155 Main Street
Bethlehem, NH 03574

Bethlehem Board of Selectmen

Meeting Minutes

June 5th, 2023

In person –Chairman Morris, Select person Strand, Select person Hibberd, and Selectman Caplain.

Public Input

Minutes 5/15 and 5/22- Selectman Caplain requested the minutes from May 22nd regarding the police bike donation note that he was representing Tri Town Bicycle.

Selectman Strand made a motion to approve the minutes from May 15th and May 22nd with the revision about the bike donation.  Selectman Hibberd seconded and all were in favor.   

NOCO Mural Project- Chairman Morris made a motion to continue with NOCO Mural project.  Selectman Strand seconded and all were in favor. 

NCC Complete Streets Meeting- Selectman Caplain updated the board on his recent meeting with Nick Altonaga regarding the Bethlehem parking proposal completed in 2019.  Selectman Caplain explained an opportunity to partner with North Country Counsel in creating a temporary bike lane on Main Street to gain insight if a permanent bike lane would increase safety and slow traffic flow.   In addition, a grant opportunity was discussed for a potential sidewalk from the elementary school to the town building.

Chairman Morris made a motion to authorize Tri Town Bicycle in cooperation with North Country Counsel to test a bike lane in Bethlehem this summer.  Selectman Strand seconded and all were in favor.

Litter Ordinance Violation Fee Chairman Morris explained that the current Liter Ordinance stated a fine of up to $1,000 and the police were seeking additional information on how the fines should be administered.  The board stated litter fines are at the discretion of the police administering the fine and it is the responsible party of the fine.   Further discussion on the litter ordinance will continue at a future meeting.

Meeting schedule June/July- The board discussed the upcoming meeting schedule, and it was decided to have meetings on 6/12, 6/26, 7/10, 7/17, 7/31, 8/14, and 8/28.  The town property auction is to be held on August 5th.

Chairman Morris made a motion to authorizing closing the town office on July 3rd if PTO is used all staff members.   Selectman Hibberd seconded and all were in favor. 

Composting Bins- The select board drew numbers to distribute the 20 composting bins from the 50 residents who submitted a request for one.

Other- Selectman Strand requested adding Liasson/Committee update to the agenda and the board agreed.

Selectman Hibberd made a motion to approve the abatement in the amount of $1,000.  Selectman Strand seconded and all were in favor.

Selectman Hibberd updated the board that she is volunteering on a local committee to combat homelessness.  Mary Polaski commented that she also feels passionate about combating the homeless issue and she is glad there is a committee to help.

Chairman Morris opened the Transfer Station Committee Public hearing at 6:30. Selectman Strand introduced the presentation prepared by the committee including Chris Jensen, Barry Zitzer, Julie Seely, Margret Gale, and Andrea Bryant.  Chairman Morris thanked the committee for the presentation and all the work the committee has done to submit the grant to USDA.  Steve Newman questioned the noise and activity of future transfer station and the committee said this is the preliminary public hearing there would be more detailed hearings in the future.  The board thanked the committee again and Chairman Morris closed the public hearing at 7:12.

Non-public Session per RSA 91A-3 II (personnel, reputation, and legal) Chairman Morris made a motion to go into non-public per RSA-91A-3 for reasons of legal, personnel, and reputation.  Select person Strand seconded and roll call followed.

Reputation- the board discussed deeded properties.

Legal update- the board discussed seeking legal counsel on an issue.

Personnel- the board reviewed the new hire recommendations.

Chairman Morris made a motion to hire the rec applicants.  Selectman Strand seconded and all were in favor. 

Selectman Caplain made a motion to approve the hiring of the fire hire.  Chairman Morris seconded and all were in favor. 

Chairman Morris made a motion to adjourn at 8:00. Select person Strand seconded and all were in favor.

Respectfully submitted,

Mary Moritz

Town Administrator