06/17/2024 SB Minutes
2155 Main Street
Bethlehem, NH 03574
Bethlehem Board of Selectmen
Meeting Minutes
June 17th, 2024
In person – Chairman Bruno, Select Woman Strand, Selectman Morris, and Select Woman Hibberd. Selectman Caplain attended remotely.
Public Input- There was no public input.
Abatements- The board discussed the abatement recommendations from CNP, LLC and Sansoucy. The board is requesting additional information for properties 403-027 and 420-010.
Select Woman Hibberd motioned to accept the abatement list with exception of properties 403-027 and 420-010. Selectman Morris seconded and all were in favor.
STR Nominee- Chairman Bruno introduced Casey MacDonald who had submitted a letter of interest in participating as a member of the STR committee.
Chairman Bruno motioned to nominate Casey MacDonald to the STR committee. Select Woman Strand seconded, and all were in favor.
DOT 10-year Plan- Selectman Morris motioned to submit the sidewalk project from the Bethlehem Elementary School to the town building to the DOT 10-year plan. Chairman Bruno seconded, and all were in favor.
Highway Dept Pickup Purchase Request- The board discussed Brett Jackson’s, Road Agent request to trade in the 2019 truck and purchase a new truck. The trade in value is $14,500.
Selectman Morris motioned to approve the purchase of a ¾ ton truck up to $33,000 from the Highway Capital reserve. Select Woman Hibberd seconded, and all were in favor.
Visitor’s Center Final Engineering- Select Woman Strand motioned to accept HEB Engineering proposal for the final engineering report of the visitor’s center to be paid from the $180,000. Selectman Morris seconded, and all were in favor.
PILOT- HINEC Senior Living- The Board discussed how to best handle the senior housing facility given they do not pay the school portion of the property tax bill. A draft PILOT was provided by CNP Assessor’s, and they recommended having a PILOT.
Selectman Morris motioned to accept the draft PILOT for HINEC Senior Living. Select Woman Hibberd seconded, and all were in favor.
Throttle Brother Event-Gazebo- The board discussed the Throttle Brother’s request to use the gazebo for a fund raiser on June 22nd. It was confirmed that they have purchased an insurance policy, they will not have a bounce house, and there will not be alcohol at the event.
Select Woman Strand motioned to allow the Throttle Brothers to use the gazebo on June 22nd. Selectman Morris seconded and all were in favor.
Minutes 6/3/2024- Select Woman Strand motioned to approve the minutes from June 3rd. Select Woman Hibberd seconded, and all were in favor.
Updates and other business- 250 E911 markers to be purchased from ARPA funds in the amount of $5,286.88. Selectman Morris recommended increasing the driveway permit to cover the cost of the E911 markers in the future.
Selectman Morris motioned to approve the purchase of the E911 markers in the amount of $5,286.88 from ARPA funds. Select Woman Hibberd seconded, and all were in favor.
Chairman Bruno updated the board that the Planning Board has requested the Select Board send three enforcement letters. The board agreed to send the enforcement letters.
Chairman Bruno updated the board that a property had been identified as ineligible for the Veteran’s Tax Credit because it was not their primary residence, and they were renting it out on Airbnb.
Chairman Bruno motioned to send a letter to inform the property owner they are no longer eligible for the veteran’s tax credit because it is not their primary residence. Selectman Morris seconded, and all were in favor.
Selectman Morris updated the board that the Conservation Commission sent a letter to the US Army Corp of Engineers regarding the proposed landfill in Dalton. Selectman Morris also offered to attend the meeting in Dalton on behalf of the select board on June 26th and the board agreed.
Selectman Bruno updated the board that the Traffic Calming Task Force would be presenting their recommendations to the board on June 24th.
Select Woman Strand made a motion to adjourn at 7:30. Selectman Morris seconded, and all were in favor.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Moritz
Town Administrator