06/22/2021 TSC Minutes
2155 Main Street
Bethlehem, NH 03574
Transfer Station Committee Hybrid
June 22, 2021
Present at Town Hall: Andrea Bryant, Julie Seely, Nancy Strand, Barry Zitser
On zoom: Stephen Yancey
Public on zoom: Margaret Gale
Nancy expressed appreciation for the efforts of the committee
Nancy update on NRRA webinar. The topic was Understanding the Recycling Market and helpful tips.
The presenters gave practical tips of what other transfer stations are doing currently. It was valuable because we can learn from other Transfer Stations for best practice and mistakes. Aluminum is best for recycling. It was emphasized that Recycling is when the material gathered is actually made and repurposed into the object. Single stream is the worst way because of contamination.
Storage options for plastic objects. Baled materials produce the best revenue. The current values of cardboard cost variables are changing fast. Stephen said that if the recyclables are saved until the prices go up. Baled vs loose. Littleton TS has good practices. Some Transfer Stations have their own websites. Transport containers. Steel cans with scrap metal.
Barry sent the plans of the Rte. 116 transfer station to Stephen.
Just Be greener third edition. It was fine with the subcommittee. Nancy motioned to approve Barry seconded All in favor
Discussion of Fourth issue continue food waste topic. One idea is: Home Composting.
Discussed Subcommittee for determining materials, equipment, buildings, employees etc. needed to establish a transfer station. Because the change in prices over time only need to roughly estimated costs. Members will be Barry and Stephen. motioned by Nancy seconded by Barry. All in favor
Stephen feels that the town should not lease equipment since we will still need to maintain it so best to buy used equipment and take good care of it so it lasts.
The transfer station would be a business. Even rolled off containers can last if maintained.
Barry: update on CLF lawsuits. In the one against NCES the court denied relief. There was a June 15 decision that closed the case. There could still be a motion to reconsider.
Case against DES for not updating the Solid Waste Rules. CLF made a motion to reconsider. As of yesterday, no decision has been made. The CLF Motion to reconsider added the information about the 154,000-gallon spill at NCES, which was the largest leachate spill in NH. We will have to wait to hear decision.
Other business. Nancy went to library trustee meeting to ask them if they would place textile bin there. The trustees asked about overflow of material. Nancy contacted the company and they said that it rarely happens and said all that has to be done is to call them and they will come. But the Trustees said NO. Bin is arriving in August. Need to find a location.
NH the Beautiful signage. Stephen was going to look at them to determine what might be needed. Which ones are universal that we could use for future Transfer Station? There are a total of 60 points to use each year. The ones we have are in Chris Jensen’s garage.
Minutes were reviewed and edited. Barry motioned to approve May minutes. Seconded by Andrea. All in favor.
Next meeting: Tuesday July 20, 2021
Nancy motioned to adjourn. Stephen seconded. All in favor.