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06/22/2022 PB Minutes

2155 Main Street
Bethlehem, NH 03574


Planning Board Meeting

June 22, 2022



6:00 PM




PRESENT: Chair Mike Bruno, Vice Chair Anthony Rodrigues, Kevin Roy, and Chris Jensen

REMOTE:  Martie Cook

Excused absence:  Alecia Loveless and Kim Koprowski


Chair Bruno opened the meeting at 6pm.

All stood for the Pledge of Allegiance



Tara Bamford Site Plan Review updates continued from June 8, 2022

There were a few updates that Tara Bamford changed from the last meeting. The board went over the changes with her.

The following reflects some of the proposed changes.

4.03 Minor Site Plan Review

  1. Farm and agricultural building and structures up to 5,00 sq. ft. – examples –

Meadowstone Farm largest building – 3,000 sq. ft.  would be a Minor SPR –

Pete and Gerry’s 24,000 sq. ft. would not be a minor.

5,000 sq. ft.  will be the cutoff for Minor site plan review – Major SPR anything over 5,000 sq. ft.


  1. Addition of up to 4 parking spaces, or reduction of up to 4 parking spaces unless needed in order to comply with a prior approval or current requirements.


Due regard shall be given to the preservation of existing natural vegetation such as large trees and attractive tree stands.

Martie Cook – asked about landscaping – cutting trees and other natural vegetation

Tara Bamford – You can ask the applicate to consider leaving large trees – you can’t tell them what they must keep.  You can: ask for noninvasive plantings – also add cold and salt tolerant plantings.

Farm Stands

Temporary structures for seasonal farmstands not involving new permanent structures or new access to parking.

There was a lot of back and forth from the board about having to come before the board for a farm stand.

Tara Bamford – conceptual will guide the applicate.





Changes to outdoor fuel storage

Chair Bruno- concerned about the board not being experts on propane, oil, and other utilities dealing with fuel storage.

– fire chief is better suited for a signoff

Chair Bruno – most people will not even know that they need to have a minor site plan for change of storage.


Mike Bruno – As a board we should be cautious of restrictions on such things as putting up barriers, just so neighbors don’t see it.


Tara Bamford – you are now making it easier for the applicate- you didn’t have a minor site plan in your regulations before.


Next public hearing on updated subdivision application will be held on July 27, 2022.

Chair Bruno will not be in attendance.


Anthony Rodrigues motion to proceed with the public hearing for updates on amended Site Plan Regulations on Wednesday July 27, 2022. Kevin Roy second.  All in favor 5-0 passed


Closed Tara Bamford review of subdivision application


Minutes 6-8-22

Motion with changes Kevin Roy – to approve 6-8-22 minutes- Chris Jensen second.  4-1 Martie Cook abstained (due to not receiving a copy of the minutes)


Board Business

Chair Bruno – any potential planning board alternates? – Chris Jensen-there has been none. The position is on the Bethlehem website and the Bethlehem Facebook page. – Chair Bruno – does anyone know of anyone that would like to be an alternate? – There was no response.


Vice Chair Rodrigues asked about the next meeting on the 13th regarding ADAIR condos – Chair Bruno – He has been in contact with Tara Bamford regarding the project – It is a go for the hearing on July 13, 2022. – the hearing will be checking for checklist completeness – and possibly going into the public hearing for the next step in the application process.


Chair Bruno wants to check with the road agent Brett Jackson for his take on the road plan for ADAIR.  He would like his interpretation before the meeting on the 13th.


Nancy Strand Zoning Board member asked about a joint meeting on July 27th Chair Bruno – If there is time after closing out the Site Plan regulations, we could roll into ZBA and have a joint meeting regarding Zoning Ordinances.



Site Plan Review proposed changes will be added to the Bethlehem Facebook page.


Chair Bruno motion to adjourn. Vice Chair Rodrigues second. All in favor




Respectfully submitted


Deb Bayley

Planning/Zoning Clerk