06/23/2022 CC Minutes
2155 Main Street
Bethlehem, NH 03574
Bethlehem Conservation Commission
June 23rd 2022
Meeting minutes
Location: Town Hall and virtual (Zoom)
Committee Members present: Lindsay Webb (Chair), Margaret Gale, Cheryl Jensen, Veronica Morris, Vivian Winterhoff (acting secretary)
In attendance: Barry Zitser
Meeting called to order by Lindsay at 6:07pm.
Public comment
Bottle deposit Op-Ed
Barry Zitser suggested minor changes to the drafted letter, including to emphasize the costs of not having a bottle bill and recyclable bottle/can disposal costs across NH. Suggested running it by Select Board, newspapers (including Concord Monitor and Union Leader), possibly NHPR, and Coca Cola representative to ask for endorsement/ support.
There was discussion around whom the letter should address: The Beverage industry or general public?
The letter could be timed to be published in early August to tie in with choosing a candidate in the primaries.
It was agreed that it would be submitted as a piece to be placed in the editorial section.
Maybe there are 2 letters in this.
All to submit comments to Lindsay to be incorporated and final version to be agreed at next meeting.
10 Towns plastic free July
Lindsay scheduled two Facebook posts to go out in July.
NRRA resources on “recycling right”
The latest from NRRA sent by email appeared to be from later May (week 2 of the program). It was found that weeks’ 3 and 4 resources are listed under “News and Events”. Cheryl will share the resources she can find on the BCC Facebook page and in the Bethlehem local chat group.
Minutes to approve
Updates made to the minutes.
Motion made by Cheryl to accept the minutes with amendments. Lindsay seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
Treasurer’s report
Account balances are:
Town account: $985.02
Savings account: $15,135.91
A comment was made that there appear to be lax practices instead of best practices being carried out in the town especially around wetlands across the board. This was in reference to the various warning and violation letters sent to Bethlehem residents by NHDES.
There was brief discussion around AOT violations on Cryans’ property. The Planning Board may need to be involved and will be consulted. Lindsay will check One Stop before the Commission next meets in August 2022.
Adair condos project update
The Bethlehem Planning Board did not approve the application as complete. The Board’s next meeting is July 13th and if application is complete at that point, the public hearing will follow immediately.
The sequence of events has been:
DES letter request for more information; deadline for info submission no later than July 2nd or application would be denied.
DES field inspection report received.
Nothing new since then.
The Planning Board has asked for complete information to be submitted by July 3rd. It may not be in the Planning Board’s remit to review situation with NHDES.
It was discovered during the meeting (by searching One Stop) that Adair have an AOT permit pending as well. This was filed back in January, more information was requested by NHDES in February, and then information was received by NHDES May 2022.
There was discussion around what Conservation Commission is going to do.
Veronica will notify the Select Board regarding an outstanding AOT permit from DES with significant issues that need to be resolved.
Cheryl made a motion for Margaret to be a BCC representative at the Planning Board meeting to express all concerns discussed above, if the Planning Board opens the meeting up for public comment. Lindsay seconded. Motion approved unanimously.
Margaret will attend the July 13th Planning Board meeting on behalf of the BCC. Lindsay will put together a timeline of the application, the letters of correspondence between parties, including the letter sent to NHDES from the BCC, the NH DES site visit report for Margaret to refer to at the meeting. Cheryl will add information about the wood turtles.
Town Forest name change
Veronica confirmed that per her research of the legislation the Town has the authority to name roads. The BCC has the authority to change the name of the Town Forest, as the Town Forest management falls under the BCC’s remit.
Margaret contacted Barbara Richter from NHACC who recommended that the BCC take the name change to the Town meeting. She made reference to Chapter 13 in NHACC handbook.
A warrant article will need to be created and to be sent to the Select Board. The deadline for that to be submitted will probably be February 2023.
Margaret and Cheryl will collaborate to get together information on the history of the Town Forest.
Anti-littering campaign
Covered above under Public Comment.
Adopt a Spot needs to be advertised. Could be announced on Facebook before the webpage will be ready.
Other/New business
Presidential Mountain Resort (PMR) proposed restaurant rehabilitation
A revised shoreland permit application was just received. PMR has two shoreland permits under review at present (from 2019 and 2022).
Lindsay will reach out to contact person at NHDES to reserve the right to comment and find out what the timeline is.
Ammonoosuc River LAC (Local Advisory Committee)
It was agreed to invite Sue McLane, Town representative on the LAC, to a future BCC meeting to coordinate with them.
The Bretzfelder Committee also needs someone from the BCC to be appointed. They meet 4x/year.
Littleton Conservation Commission representative reached out to Cheryl about Littleton town forest. Cheryl will send her a copy of our stewardship plan.
Next meeting
Monday July 18th, 6pm.
Motion made by Cheryl To adjourn the meeting. Lindsay seconded. Unanimously passed. The meeting was adjourned at 7.40pm.
Respectfully submitted by Vivian Winterhoff.