06/24/2021 CC Minutes
2155 Main Street
Bethlehem, NH 03574
Bethlehem Conservation Commission
June 24, 2021
Town Hall
2155 Main Street
Bethlehem, NH 03574
Present: Vivian Winterhoff, Lindsay Webb, Margaret Gale, Linda Moore, Nicole McGrath
Absent: Cheryl Jensen, Alternate Marilyn Johnson
Guest: Barry Zitser
Lindsay called the meeting to order at 6:03pm.
The BCC reviewed the May 27, 2021 minutes. Page 2 paragraph three last sentence, add the word approved before unanimously. Page 3 under town forest update, 3rd paragraph reword to say there was some discussion around putting out to bid the walking/hiking trail design and some of the heavier work, such as building a small bridge to cross the brook. Margaret motioned to approve the minutes of May 27th, 2021, Linda seconded, motion passed unanimously.
Treasurer’s Report:
There has been no change to the Town account. In the savings account there is a balance of $14,917.77, Elise Lawson was paid out of the savings account but it does not show yet on the savings report.
5/24/2021 – Letter from NHDES- Permit-by-Notification, Crowe (NHDES File Number: 2021-01557)
6/1/2021 – multiple emails from Eckman Engineering regarding BCC request for site visit
6/5/2021 – email from Save Forest Lake regarding HB 177 – language is now in SB 103
There were a few additional mail items that came in after the agenda was sent out, a permit by notification for a logging operation. There were also some back and forth emails from Eckman Engineering regarding a possible site visit to PMR, it is looking unlikely that the BCC will be able to attend a site visit.
Correspondence from DES Joe Schmidl regarding PMR site visits. DES has conducted two site visits and has requested additional information.
Old Business:
PMR Wetlands Permit Status- DES has visited the property two times and will be paying close attention to the project. DES has listened to the BCC’s concerns and are carefully reviewing the application. There was concern that the applicant/developer is still able to continue when a wetlands permit has not been approved.
Main Street anonymous complaint: There was an anonymous complaint about a property on Main St. Linda was going to fill out the complaint form on DES website but hesitated because the DES form says that if the person requests the information they will be given the name and address of the individual who filed the complaint. There have been several anonymous complaints regarding this property, The BCC will submit it as the Conservation Commission and use the Town Hall address.
Town Forest Update:
There has been no update. The last visit to the Town Forest was in April. Do we need to obtain any type of permit for wetlands or anything else from DES prior to putting in the trail system? Lindsay will look into this.
Other/New Business
Lindsay gave a brief presentation on the Wildlife Action Plan. Every state in the US was asked to create a Wildlife Action Plan in 2005. The NH plan is a combination of a report and some mapping data. It identifies species of greatest conservation need, based on declining numbers, reduced habitat, loss of connection, or threats from climate change. 27 Habitat types identified in NH. Lindsay gave an overview of the NH Wildlife Action Plan and how it can be used by the community and the BCC.
To find a copy of the plan go to Takingactionforwildlife.org under resources, resources for communities and conservation commissions, you can find the Wildlife Action plan, maps and data. You can also access the wildlife action plan maps using the town GIS maps link on the town website.
Public Comment: Barry Zitser gave an overview of some legislation that has helped with landfill diversion in Connecticut and other New England states, in particular he referenced the bottle bill. Connecticut has recently doubled their deposit. He also stressed the importance of being represented on committees that work on legislation to reduce landfilling and promote landfill diversion. He said the most likely way to make changes and reduce landfilling is through legislation.
Next Meetings: 6pm (Location TBD)
August 26, 2021
Linda moved to adjourn at 7:21, Vivian seconded, motion passed unanimously.
Respectfully submitted,
Nicole McGrath