06/25/2020 CC Minutes
2155 Main Street
Bethlehem, NH 03574
Bethlehem Conservation Commission
June 25, 2020
Zoom Conference
Present: Lindsay Webb, Cheryl Jensen, Nicole McGrath, Linda Moore, Vivian Winterhoff
Absent: Margaret Gale, Alternate Marilyn Johnson, Alternate Jeanne Robillard
Guest: Barry Zitser
Lindsay called the meeting to order at 6:02 pm.
The BCC discussed the gazebo garden beds. The Selectboard gave permission for the BCC to take them over but after further investigation and discussion Cheryl motioned not to adopt the Town gardens by the gazebo. Linda seconded. The gardens beds are numerous and in rough shape. They will all need to be redone and the BCC felt that the Town Forest should be our top priority. Wildlife flowers could also be planted at the Town Forest as an alternative. Motion not to adopt the flower beds passed unanimously.
Linda left the meeting after the vote was taking on the garden beds.
The BCC reviewed the meeting minutes of May 28th and June 5th. A typo was corrected in the May 28th meeting minutes. Cheryl motioned to approve the minutes with the change, Lindsay seconded, motion passed unanimously.
Cheryl motioned to approve the meeting minutes of June 5th, Vivian seconded, motion passed unanimously.
Lindsay read an email from Margaret Gale saying she has decided to resign from the BCC effective immediately. Cheryl motioned that we regretfully accept Margaret Gale’s resignation from the BCC effective 6/25/2020, Lindsay seconded, motion passed unanimously. Lindsay will notify the Selectboard and Mary Jackson, Town Clerk, of Margaret’s resignation.
The BCC received a copy of the shoreland permit for the Presidential Mountain Resort (Baker Brook Property). On January 3, 2020, DES sent a letter to Presidential Mountain Resort requesting an after the fact shoreland permit be submitted by February 20, 2020. The BCC sent an email to Amy Hudnor asking to be keep in the loop. Lindsay will follow up to see if anything was submitted in between the January request and the shoreland application that just came in. The BCC discussed the application. Lindsay will reach out to DES for some clarity on the shoreland protection act: What happened, what should have happened, and how we should proceed in the future? She will also ask if this application includes development of the restaurant area or if that will require an additional permit?
Lindsay was contacted by the University of NH regarding a study they are conducting about public engagement. They will be interviewing individuals on Conservation Commissions and Economic Development committees. She will be participating and has asked for a copy of the results which she will share with the rest of the BCC.
Medallions have come in and were given to Gardener Kellogg. He will be putting them up along the property line of the Town Forest. A hard copy of the map is located in the Town Hall. The BCC reviewed the bid notice, a mylar will be created for recording at the Grafton County Registry of Deeds. Lindsay will send a copy of the RFP to Linda to follow up with Mr. Kellogg.
Lindsay reformatted the recreation trail map and added some biking and hiking icons. She also added some hike safe guidelines and disclaimers. There are a few minor edits to make. Once she has made the edits, she will convert the file to a PDF and JPEG and send to the BCC for approval. There was discussion about incorporating Bethlehem’s new logo of Just Be. Vivian will check in with Sullivan Creative to see if the logo can be added. Barry suggested just be a trailblazer.
The BCC will need to advertise that we are looking for a new member. Nicole will double check that it is still posted at the post office and in the Town Hall. We can also put it on our Facebook page.
The next meeting will be August 13th, at 6:00 pm. Location to be determined or zoom. The BCC won’t meet in July in unless something comes up.
Cheryl motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:04pm, Vivian seconded, passed unanimously.
Meeting Adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Nicole McGrath