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06/25/2024 TSC Minutes

2155 Main Street
Bethlehem, NH 03574

Bethlehem Transfer Station Committee Meeting

June 25, 2024

Bethlehem Public Library

6 p.m.

Present: Nancy Strand, Julie Seely, Andrea Bryant, Paul Karpawich and Barry Zitser (via phone). George Holt (via Zoom).

Guests: Marilyn Walsh, Bob Walsh

Minutes by Mr. Jensen



The minutes from May 28th were reviewed. Ms. Bryant made a motion to approve them. There was a second from Mr. Jensen. Unanimous approval.


Mr. Holt from Aries Engineering joined the meeting on Zoom. Ms. Strand noted that the committee has applied for a series of grants, but has not received the funding to cover the projected cost of almost $900,000. (Background note: At the time of that estimate, the committee had been led to believe that the entire amount might be funded by a U.S.D.A. grant, but it turned out U.S.D.A. had less funding than expected and the grant was declined.)


Ms. Strand said the committee decided it should explore ways to reduce the cost to around $500,000 for a phase one.


Mr. Holt said the costs originally projected by Aries Engineering were based on a series of assumptions based on national construction costs and there are probably ways to accomplish the project less expensively.


He suggested checking with local contractors to see if there is a significant difference in the national and local cost. But it will also be necessary to reduce the overall scope of the project from want the town wants to want it absolutely needs.


There was a general discussion about the possibilities including a smaller building, fewer loading bays and doing away with a stand-alone compactor.


Mr. Holt said Aries could do some cost-cutting research for around $2,000. It was noted that the committee could not authorize that without the approval of the select board.


Mr. Holt also noted that the town should begin its bid process by the end of 2024 to avoid having a time crunch due to construction scheduling. “It always takes twice as long as you think,” he said.


Mr. Jensen asked if there were any updates on grants. Ms. Strand said an EPA grant is being researched by town administrator Mary Moritz and it looks promising.


It was decided that the next meeting will be July 9th at 6:30 using Zoom.


Mr. Jensen made a motion to adjourn. It was seconded by Ms. Strand and unanimously approved. It was 7:10.