07/12/2024 BC Minutes
2155 Main Street
Bethlehem, NH 03574
Friday, July 12, 2024
12:00 pm
Members Present: Chris Jensen, April Hibberd, Carol Haywood, Dawn Ferringo, Kay Kerr, Erin Talcott, Tina Lister
Minutes of April 1, 2024 were approved.
AH moved to go into non-public session. CJ seconded.
Application received. (2024-31, JD) Applicant inherited house March, 2021. No mortgage. Past taxes due are $11,000. Programs (RSA: 72:38a) or disability exemption may be available to help pay off taxes. Eversource bill at $10,000. New Start program – $530 required from town to restart service and applicant would have to pay two months’ bills (total $1060). KK brought up the possibility of selling the home and paying off debts and finding alternate housing. AH brought up the possibility that to get the money he would need to keep the case worker involved. ET moved to make a motion that Bethlehem Cares will pay the $1060 to Eversource. AH seconded the motion. All voted in favor.
CJ moved to come out of non-public session. AH seconded. All approved.
Balance in account almost $17,000.
Meeting adjourned 12:45.