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07/18/2022 CC Minutes

2155 Main Street
Bethlehem, NH 03574

Bethlehem Conservation Commission

July 18th 2022

 meeting minutes

Location: Library

Committee members present: Lindsay Webb, Margaret Gale, Cheryl Jensen, Veronica Morris, Vivian Winterhoff

In attendance: Paul Karpawich, Barry Zitser, Chris J, Mike Bruno, Ivan Ash, Anne and Paul Conner (via Zoom)


Meeting called to order at 6:02 by Lindsay.


Bottle Deposit Op-Ed article

There was a discussion around final wording. Suggestions for edits were received. Lindsay will send around final version.

Lindsay will sign off on behalf of the BCC.

Barry Zitser will ask Transfer Station Committee whose name to put down for them.

Regarding word length:

  • Concord Monitor word length: 400-800 words.
  • Union Leader: 500-800 words.
  • Caledonian Record: 800 words

Cheryl motioned to accept the letter “A challenge to …” with changes discussed at the meeting for submission to the Bethlehem Select Board and Press. Margaret seconded. Motion unanimously passed.

The letter will be submitted to Union Leader + Concord Monitor + Caledonian Record + Littleton Courier.


PMR Shoreland Permit update

The BCC did not receive a copy of the update.

Application status says “File closed”.

On NHDES website, file number 2019-02831 is “under technical review”. Lindsay has not heard back from the contact at NHDES (Darlene Fourst) regarding the status of this application. Lindsay had asked her to take her email as the BCC wanting to reserve the right to comment on the application.

The revised application would place the new restaurant within only 50ft of the shore.

There was a question around whether the PMR thought the former restaurant had been grandfathered in. It was established that the restaurant is not grandfathered in, as per the State DES regulations. In order for it to be grandfathered in, the property cannot be disused for any more than 12 months, and, if in use within the last 12 months, it has to have been in the same original use.

Lindsay will email Darlene again to check in on progress of this application.


Adair Condos Project update

Margaret attended the July 13th Planning Board meeting. There was no public comment at that meeting. Steve Keach and Andy Smith presented. The Planning Board accepted checklist as complete. They were required to notice the next meeting that will have public comment and will happen on Wednesday August 10th, 6pm.

NHDES website latest is a time extension agreement. However, the DES letter does not include the extension date deadline, so it is unclear until when the timeline has been extended. Lindsay will email David Reynolds at DES to confirm what the date for submission of more information is.

The Adair does not have a wetlands permit at this stage.


Public comment

Ivan Ash, direct abutter where the Adair property is still part of the Adair Inn, commented to say that the flags and markers for wetlands that were in that particular area appear to have been disregarded when the logging happened. This makes one question how careful they have been with property in the area for the planned condos. He wants to see where the wetlands are in relationship to where they did harvesting.

DES did a site visit and asked for the entire site to be reflagged. They had confirmed flags and delineation of wetlands missing. DES actually asked if condo development site can be site in the “upland” portion of the property.

Were DES, when they did the site visit, considering the Adair Inn property AND the condo part of the property as one?

Ivan or the BCC could file a separate complaint about the Adair Inn property.

Lindsay will ask if the report from NH Fish and Game on the property is available.

The Planning Board could do a conditional approval based on outstanding DES permits. RSAs require that the Planning Board not hold up a project.

Mike Bruno confirmed that the checklist has been approved, but is conditional on outstanding permits being granted.

Lindsay will email the talking points prepared for Margaret to Mike, and he will read it out in the public comment part of the Planning Board meeting on August 10th.

Next meeting

Thursday, August 11th, 6pm in Library.

Margaret made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:07pm. Cheryl seconded. Motion unanimously passed. Meeting adjourned at 7:07pm.


Respectfully submitted by Vivian Winterhoff.