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07/20/2022 TSC Minutes

2155 Main Street
Bethlehem, NH 03574


July 20, 2022

Barry Zitser, Nancy Strand, Chris  Jensen, Betsey Phillips, Margaret Gale,  Julie Seely,  Katherine Darges.

5:30   The committee met at the Rt 116 site  with the Police Chief , Alan DeMoranville, and Gene Grunza.   There was a discussion about using the site for both a shooting range and transfer Station.   Gene  told the committee  how it had been set up and some of the key components.

6:30 at the town hall the meeting was opened

Barry gave an update  on  the CLF appeal  before the Waste Management  Council against  the stage VI expansion. A motion for  reconsideration by the New Hampshire  Department of Environmental Services and a Motion for Rehearing by NCES  have been made.  CLF has opposed  both motions. The parties have a disagreement about the meaning of the Waste Management Council’s  remand order . For example, NCES says the order violates  the interstate commerce law   The Waste  Management Council has suspended its order, pending ruling on the outstanding  motions.

Nancy Strand shared the new addition of Just Be Greener. The committee approved it and complimented  Nancy for a nice  edition of Just Be Greener. Barry suggested  items to be added: a reference to the recycle right campaign, and that the next live NRRA proceeding open to the public for questions  is Aug. 4, from 12-1.  Nancy said this edition is  full and too much reformatting would be needed but can be added to the next one.  Chris Jensen will add Barry’s suggestions to the Bethlehem News. The virtual swap shop  page is up to more than 400 members. We allowed  distribution of first draft that was already printed. Barry motioned that the issue be accepted. Seconded Nancy. All in favor

Ideas  for next newsletter were discussed. Barry suggested looking at  CET. Center of Eco Technology. He saw the draft newsletter from them, which mentioned Reklis and BES, along with Meadowstone loving to have more food waste.  Barry also suggested that perhaps the next edition also  address NRRA’s Recycle Right Campaign, which contains videos of informative recycling information.

Nancy suggested that the next edition might have an interview of Tim W. about what Meadowstone does  with compost. Also include Bent Fork farm.

It was determined that the next edition of Just Be Greener revisit the issue of food waste, and that hopefully Nancy could also have an interview with Tim.

Barry noted that EPA’s  process for applying for a recycling education  grant might be approved for the fall.  The application process might only be for a 60-90 day period and that we should be prepared to propose a program. Our program  might consist of town wide mailings and a possible education program for schools. We are unique and can start off right. We have already sent a letter of interest.

Barry is going to work on idea of educational  mailers, perhaps  6 over two year period. Chris mentioned that this might be too many mailings, and after discussion  it was suggested that perhaps there could be some educational programs involving our schools.


Nancy is going to the Bethlehem Market Saturdays 10-2 to increase awareness  of the Transfer Station Committee and the need to reduce, reuse and recycle.  She said the last  one was not well attended. 12 vendors. Live music.  Only one farm. Crafts. She has been attending as transfer station committee. She had a banner made. She had a NO sweatshirt as a conversation starters. Andrea will look into making a flip board on which items are recyclable.

It was brought up that there are things that NCES will accept but shouldn’t be recycled, such as black plastics and styrofoam..

Nancy has 20 portable recycle containers from New Hampshire  the Beautiful. She gave them away on Saturday

Barry brought up if the committee should have an organizational document that lists the rules of the committee. He said this could be a one page organizational statement. He’d be willing to write a draft.

Andrea responded that she thinks it is more important  for the committee  to focus on the plan and layout of a new transfer station.  We need a list of the process that will happen as phase one. Chris noted that our original charge was  to lay out where things go and what is being trucked where. He noted that he has been asked about this by some residents and would like  to be able to refer them to at least a good phase one plan.  The committee realizes that some of the things have to go out to bid.

Next meeting we will work on Planning for route 116 site.

The minutes of the May 17, 2022 meeting was approved.

The next meeting was scheduled for August 23rd.