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07/28/2021 PB Minutes

2155 Main Street
Bethlehem, NH 03574


Planning Board

July 28, 2021



6 p.m.


Town Hall: Mike Bruno, Johnathan Stevenson, Kevin Roy, Kim Koprowski, Anthony Rodrigues, Alecia Loveless, and Chris Jensen

Alternate: Peter Roy


Chair Stevenson opened the meeting and read the AGENDA.

All stood for the pledge of allegiance.

Mr. Stevenson and the board welcomed new members Anthony Rodrigues and Alecia Loveless.

New officers:  Mike Bruno Chair 6-1    1 abstained (1 year term)

Kim Koprowski Vice Chair 6-1   1 abstained (1 year term)


Open conceptual T&T Mountain Investments, LLC  1294 Main Street

Trevor Presby presented his conceptual plan to build 2 new storage facilities/ 32 units each.  no heat, power or plumbing will be added.  No added traffic – minimal impact

Kim Koprowski motion to waive Site Plan Review for this project.  Mike Bruno second.  7-0 passed.

Closed conceptual


Bretzfelder – Planning Board Representative

The board was not sure of the obligation for this position.  It will be tabled until next meeting.  Chris Jensen will check with Marilyn Johnson on this.


The board discussed having another alternate to the board.  Deb will post the open alternate seat on the website.

Mike Bruno motion to approve posting one three-year alternate planning board member.  Alecia Loveless second.  7-0 passed


Minutes 5-26-21

Kevin Roy Motion to accept May 26, 2021, minutes. Kim Koprowski second.  5-2 passed

Abstained Mike Bruno and Johnathan Stevenson.




Minutes June 23, 2021

Peter Roy was asked to become a voting member for the minutes.

Mike Bruno motion to approve minutes from June 23, 2021, with spelling correction. Kevin Roy second.  4-4 passed abstained Anthony, Chris, Alecia, and Kim


Mike Bruno 91-A:3,11 go into non-public

Roll call.  All voted yes.  Peter Roy stayed

Alecia Loveless motion to come out of non-public.  Chris Jensen second.  Roll call.  7-0 passed


Kim Koprowski asked if the board wants to set a policy for when paperwork is due in before a meeting.  Maybe discuss with Deb when she’s here for a meeting.


August– gravel pit inspections are due.  There are three pits.  Seely, 7 dwarfs, and Bethlehem Earth.  Dates will be scheduled before next meeting.


Mike Bruno thanked Johnny Stevenson for being Chair through COVID.  Johnny said that Mike Bruno was an excellent Vice Chair.

There was discussion about next meeting date.  Some board members will not be available until August 25, 2021.


On Tara Banford:  the board agreed that it would be a good idea to have her input on roads,  need to check and see if the board has the funds. Johnny Stevenson wanted to know if we can move money around within the budget and Chris Jensen offered to check.


Mike Bruno motion to adjourn.  Alecia Loveless second.  7-0 adjourned



Respectfully submitted

Deb Bayley

Planning/Zoning Clerk