08/06/2024 EC Minutes
2155 Main Street
Bethlehem, NH 03574
Bethlehem Energy Commission – August 6, 2024
Present: Dan Crosby, David van Houten, Scott Caisse, Mary Lou Krambeer, Bruce Caplain (Select Board Liaison)
Excused: Chuck Phillips
Public Input: no
Mission: Mission: The Bethlehem Energy Commission encourages and supports economically and environmentally sensible energy practices in Bethlehem, NH.
-Meeting Minutes from May, 2024. No meetings were held in May or June.
David made a motion to accept minutes. Second by Scott. Passed unanimously.
-Community Power
-Village District
-Eversource update
-EV Charging Station
-Solarize North Country, Main Street Solar
Community Power:
As of the June launch, CPCNH is serving municipalities representing approximately 27% of NH’s population, up from about 13% in June of 2023. With the planned October launch, CPCNH it is expected to become the default electricity provider for municipalities representing ~35% of NH’s population. Under multiple future scenarios, it is reasonable to expect CPCNH could become the default electricity supplier in municipalities representing more than 50% of New Hampshire’s population in 2026.
Rate Card & July Update
July 1 is the statutory deadline for posting rates which go into effect on August 1. A new Rate Card is available at Town Hall. Rates may be found
on www.CommunityPowerNH.gov and the NH Dept. of Energy Electricity Shopping website.
David – are there any additional Community Power benefits for the town at this time? Answer: not that we know of but, we’ll keep looking.
Eversource Dollars: Battery storage – 50% incentive with a $200,000 cap.
Reimbursement process clarified versus “grant money” up front. Town of Bethlehem is interested in learning more about this possibility.
EV Chargers: Swimming pool parking lot is a possible location for a Level 2 charging station. Rough cost to install new circuit estimated at about $10,000. Much more to come.
Solarize North Country and Main Street Power: Solar arrays are going up on 33 homes. This level of participation in the process gave everyone a 15% reduction on their original quotes saving customers an additional $140,000.
Main Street Solar: Moving (very) slowly. Barrington is backed up so we may be using Mains Electric as a supplemental supplier for Maia Papaya.
Village District Waste Water Solar Project: all solar elements are in place, now waiting for shutdown to happen and then Eversource will put in the new meter and explain how the system will work. Project deadline: Dec. 31, 2024.
Village District Water Solar Project: Need to schedule an audit for the drinking water solar project for a future funding application. This should happen in the fall.
- Grafton County $4m ARPA dollars are still available. Mary Lou to explore.
- Bruce will talk to Barrington about BES conduit maintenance.
- Pool area is covered/included in our municipal array.
- Figure out a framework for project metrics (project overview/grants received/cost/savings). David & Dan to pursue.
- Have we completed the application for direct payment reimbursement from the federal government for municipal solar. Bruce ask Mary Mortiz.
- Program under development at NH DOE to direct more dollars for energy efficiencies $36m. More info coming.
Next Meeting: Sept 3 at Library; Scott to facilitate. Mary Lou and Bruce will not be attending.