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08/11/2022 CC Minutes

2155 Main Street
Bethlehem, NH 03574

Bethlehem Conservation Commission meeting

August 11th, 2022

Draft meeting minutes

Location: Zoom (for first 15 minutes) and in person at Bethlehem Library.

Committee members present: Lindsay Webb, Cheryl Jensen, Margaret Gale, Vivian Winterhoff (Acting Secretary), Veronica Morris

In attendance: Ivan Ash, Barry Zitser

Lindsay called the meeting to order at 6.03pm.


Public comment

Bottle Deposit Op-Ed “A challenge to the NH beverage industry” has been published in Littleton Courier, Caledonian Record, Union Leader papers. It was endorsed by the Select Board as well.

Barry Zitser shared some thoughts around how to manage relations with the bottle and the waste industry, including inviting the Conservation Law Foundation and NHACC to have a video conference call with beverage industry representatives to talk about the “Every bottle back” scheme.


NH Solid Waste Management Plan

The Solid Waste working group has published the NH Solid Waste Management Plan. Comments are due by August 26th, 2022.

Cheryl suggested to send a cover letter and attach to it the letters the BCC wrote supporting the legislation that was proposed within the past year to NH legislators. The bills the BCC had already sent letters of support in for were:

  • HB 1652, a 10-cent bottle and can redemption bill.
  • HB 1406, a food waste diversion (composting) bill that would allow transfer stations to set up food waste bins.
  • HB 1122, a construction and demolition (C&D) materials reclamation bill.
  • HB 1471, a bill to eliminate single-use plastic carry-out bags.

She had drafted a cover letter for review by BCC members.

There was discussion around whether a specific action/recommendation/suggestion for change could be added to the cover letter. Wording around legislation in the plan is vague: it states that legislation should be “explored” and to do more public outreach (workshops, factsheets). Can we say that more than exploring legislation and education needs to occur?

BCC members were of the view that the only way that action will be taken on this plan is if legislation is introduced and passed.

It was decided that the cover letter from the BCC will emphasize that “legislation has already been explored”, then move on to the listing of bills.

Personal comments can also be submitted.

Lindsay motioned to submit the cover letter as amended at this meeting and copies of the BCC’s past letters in support of HBs 1652, 1406, 1122 and 1471 to the NH Solid Waste Working Group as the BCC’s comment on the NH Solid Waste Management Plan. Margaret seconded. Motion unanimously passed.

Cheryl will send Lindsay final version with attached letters.


Anti-littering campaign social media

Lindsay has been posting, but posts are not appearing in personal feeds due to Facebook algorithms.


Adopt a road

All forms are ready to be shared with the public on Google Forms. The holdup is that we don’t have the Town webpage which can explain info, however the Google Form has a lot of simple straightforward info on it which should be adequate.

Lindsay will send out the link to the form for us to test.


Presidential Mountain Resort (PMR) shoreland permit

The permit is still under technical review with NH DES. The 2022 permit was rolled into the 2019 one, which is still open. Veronica updated to say that the Town is attempting to approve building permits in the proper order now, so that all permits that are needed are granted before any building can start.


Adair condo project update

The Planning Board deferred action until a future meeting. Potential wetland remediation was a topic at the meeting.




Arrowhead Drive AOT permit

This is the Cryans’ property. Cannot establish the status of this file. It is proving challenging to find on the DES website. The last letter received was dated June 7th, 2022. BCC members will have to keep a lookout for any updates.


Past meeting minutes to approve

June 23rd, 2022 minutes

Cheryl motioned to approve the minutes with changes discussed at the meeting. Margaret seconded. Motion passed unanimously.

July 18th, 2022 minutes

Cheryl motioned to approve the minutes with changes discussed at the meeting. Margaret seconded. Motion passed unanimously.


Recording Secretary

Cheryl moved for Vivian to be the Recording Secretary for the BCC. Lindsay seconded. Motion passed unanimously.


Treasurer’s Report

The balance in the Town account is $985.02.

The balance in the BCC Savings account is $15,135.91.


Mail received

The North Country Council (NCC) had sent out a notice about the public comment period for the NH Solid Waste Management Plan. BCC members appreciated the NCC sending out this. There was discussion around membership of the NH Solid Waste Management Working Group, including in particular if a case could be made for the NCC to be a representative on this working group. There appeared to be no place for an organization like the NCC on the work group, however DES could appoint additional members if of value to the working group. It could be argued that the NCC would be representing communities historically left out of discussions such as these about solid waste management.


Other business

Margaret was discouraged by the amount of litter on Brook Rd and between I-93 and the Littleton co-op. Roadside mowing is happening. Lindsay could post on the BCC Facebook page and in the Bethlehem local chat group about the mowing happening, in case any residents want to pick up litter before the mowing takes place.


Next BCC meetings

The next meetings will take place on September 22nd and October 20th in the Library as long as the meeting room is available.


Cheryl motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7.27pm. Lindsay seconded. Motion passed unanimously.


Respectfully submitted by Vivian Winterhoff.