08/14/2023 SB Minutes
2155 Main Street
Bethlehem, NH 03574
Bethlehem Board of Selectmen
Meeting Minutes
August 14th, 2023
In person –Chairman Morris, Selectman Hibberd, Selectman Caplain, and Selectman Bruno. Selectman Strand attended remotely.
Chairman Morris opened the meeting at 6:00 and thanked Bethlehem Events and all the volunteers who made Summerfest a successful event.
Public Input- Barry Zitser congratulated Bethlehem Events on a successful Summerfest event.
Minutes 7/31- Selectman Caplain motioned to approve the minutes form 7/31. Chairman Morris seconded and all were in favor.
Proposed Resolution Chairman Morris opened discussion on the proposed resolution by thanking Selectman Strand and Selectman Bruno for their collaboration on the resolution. Selectman Bruno read the resolution:
Town of Bethlehem Proposed Resolution
Whereas, the Town of Bethlehem welcomes all people regardless of age, gender, race, religion, sexual orientation, or any other variable that makes us who we are.
Whereas, the Town of Bethlehem has a responsibility to all its residents to keep them safe from discrimination, harassment, or from those who want to marginalize others for being different than themselves through prejudice and bigotry.
Whereas, recent events in the North Country have singled out the LGTBQ community and other minority groups as not welcome.
Now, therefore, be it resolved by Town of Bethlehem Select Board that
The Town of Bethlehem will welcome all to our community and that our Town services, amenities, and properties are available to all who live here and to our visitors passing through, following guidelines and policies that apply equally to all persons.
We are committed to promoting a secure, welcome and safe environment.
We are committed to modeling respectful dialogue.
Chairman Morris made a motion to adopt the resolution. Selectman Hibberd seconded and all were in favor.
Safe Routes to School letter of support Selectman Caplain informed the board that Tri Town Bicycle was applying for a grant to T Mobile in the amount of $50,000 for the Safe Routes to School grant and is requesting a letter of support.
Chairman Morris made a motion to provide a letter of support for the T Mobile grant. Selectman Hibberd seconded and the vote carried. Selectman Caplain abstained.
Selectman Bruno supports the letter but would like to ensure the recipients of the grant go through all the regulatory processes.
Sustainability Committee Grant opportunity Selectman Caplain updated the board that the Sustainability Working Group was applying for a $3,000 Tillotson grant.
Chairman Morris made a motion to approve the Sustainability Working Group submitting for a Tillotson grant. Selectman Caplain seconded and all were in favor.
Reevaluation Timeline Chairman Morris updated the board on the revised Re-evaluation timeline. KRT requested a two-week extension. Letters from KRT to residents on the new value of their home would be sent around Labor Day weekend and hearings with KRT would be scheduled shortly after.
ARPA Chairman Morris went over the ARPA funding that has been appropriated. The board discussed using $5,000 from the unused balance to cover the additional cost of the parking lot.
Chairman Morris made a motion to use $5,000 from ARPA funds to cover the additional parking lot cost. Selectman Bruno seconded and the vote carried 4-1. Selectman Caplain objected to using additional ARPA funds for the parking lot.
Parking Lot- The board discussed the completion of the parking lot project. Selectman Caplain explained his frustration that the project was $11,809 over budget. It was explained that the additional cost was mostly attributed to moving the fire hydrant.
Better World Auction Selectman Strand would like to try and auction town supplies/property that are no longer in use on Better World Auction a free online auction tool.
Board Goals The board decided a completion timeline for the board goals document.
Liaison/Committee Update Selectman Strand updated the board that the Transfer Station Committee has been working on a “Just Be Greener” newsletter. Selectman Strand also requested Katherine Darges from the Transfer Station Committee because she is no longer a Bethlehem resident.
Selectman Strand made a motion to revoke Katherine Darges form the Transfer Station Committee membership. Selectman Hibberd seconded and the vote carried 4-0. Chairman Morris abstained.
Selectman Caplain updated the board on the Public Safety Facility committee meeting.
Other Chairman Morris updated the board that the Deputy Fire Chief has requested purchasing 2 new fire helmets from the Fire Department Emergency Equipment Capital reserve.
Selectman Caplain motioned to purchase 2 new fire helmets from the Fire Safety Capital Reserve. Selectman Hibberd seconded and all are in favor.
Chairman Morris updated that there was a tax overpayment in the amount of $1755.45 for Map 204 040.
Selectman Hibberd made a motion to refund the tax overpayment. Selectman Caplain seconded and all were in favor.
Selectman Strand updated the board that a baby swing has been ordered for the new swing set.
Non-public Session per RSA 91A-3 II (personnel, reputation, and legal) Chairman Morris made a motion to go into non-public for reasons of Legal, personnel, and reputation. Selectman Hibberd seconded and roll call followed.
Chairman Morris made a motion to adjourn at 8:30. Selectman Hibberd seconded, and all were in favor.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Moritz
Town Administrator