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08/23/2022 TSC Minutes

2155 Main Street
Bethlehem, NH 03574

Transfer Station Committee Meeting Minutes
August 23, 2022
Location: Bethlehem Library

Present: Betsey Philips, Andrea Bryant, Chris Jensen, Katherine Darges, Julie Seeley, Nancy Strand

There was no public input.

Update on CLF Stage 6 Permit filings: NCES attached some documents to their arguments that were not formally added and were considered entering new facts. Nothing has happened yet. No barrier to Waste Management Council coming up with some rulings, which could then be open to appeal. In the meantime, they suspended their order for remand.

The next issue of Just Be Greener was discussed: Revisiting Food Waste, slated to be published before the end of the month. Barry made a motion to approve the publishing of this issue with the contingency of having the subcommittee finish the final tweaks. Passed unanimously.

Next issue will focus on 7 things you should not throw in your trash. Nancy will forward the subcommittee the article that Katherine submitted.

Barry contacted Bonnie Bethune of NRRA to ask about EPA educational grants. He thought we could include school field trips to source separation facilities. The actual application process has not yet been published. Bonnie suggested the one in Gilford about 90 minutes away. Cost would include the use of the bus, the driver, possible lunches, etc. Could include high schools. Still don’t know if the grants will be one, two or three year grants.

There was a general discussion on how to apply for these grants and whether or not we (the Town) should directly apply or use organizations like NCC or NRRA to apply on our behalf. Chris thought it would be good to emphasize educating the next generation instead of conventional UPSP mailings. Barry agreed to speak with Michelle Moran at NCC and Sue Greenlaw to gauge interest levels.

Nancy will send out a updated version of the Transfer Station Needs Analysis for our next meeting. There was discussion on the need to lay out a phased approach to our future transfer station that contains everything the Select Board will need to go out to bid. Phase One would have the minimal things we have to have. Katherine emphasized that proper planning should include what the transfer station will do, how will it operate, who will operate it, a timeline for each phase, traffic patterns – in essence, looking at this as a whole project. Chris suggested the Phase One would be similar to what we would do in case of emergency (unplanned) opening. Each Phase would build on that so that nothing we do has to be “thrown out” in later phases. Andrea suggested we all revisit the two contingency plans that Barry has submitted to the Board before we meet again. All agreed that the 1st hour of our next meeting will be a “working group” meeting after Public Input.

Under Other Business: Barry commented on the recent editorial letter about the bottle bill, challenging the industry to step up about getting this passed. He also talked about the recent release of the NH Solid Waste Management Plan and his disappointment over not containing anything concrete on what should be done. Barry has written directly to that committee with his suggestions. He believes the lobbyists are the main barriers to progress on this. Nancy mentioned that she stopped putting up a TSC tent at the Community Market on Saturdays but still has good conversations with residents. She also picked up a large sandwich board from NH the Beautiful down in Epsom that was free. It is being stored in her barn until needed.

Copies of the previously planned Transfer Station drawing were handed out.

Some minor edits were suggested for the minutes of the previous meeting. Barry will send a revised version before our next meeting.

Next meeting was set for September 27th, 6:30pm, at the Library. Nancy will check that the room is available. Barry volunteered to take the minutes at this meeting.

Barry moved to adjourn, seconded by Nancy, all were in favor.

Respectfully submitted,

Nancy Strand