08/25/2021 PB Minutes
2155 Main Street
Bethlehem, NH 03574
Planning Board August 25, 2021
6 p.m.
Town Hall: Johnathan Stevenson, Vice Chair Kim Koprowski, Anthony Rodrigues, and Alecia Loveless
Excused absence: Chris Jensen, Mike Bruno, and Kevin Roy
Alternate: Peter Roy
Vice Chair opened the meeting and read the AGENDA.
She asked Peter Roy to become a voting member for the evening.
All stood for the pledge of allegiance.
Mr. Stevenson asked David Wright 908 Main Street to present his conceptual plan for gun sales at his home. Mr. Wright explained that he and his wife will be seeking a Federal Firearm License (FFL) from the state. But first he has to have an approval from the town. He intends to sell firearms from his home. His house is protected by ADT and his Ring security system. This system is connected to the ADT emergency operator and the police department. He will be selling firearms online and by word of mouth.
Kim Koprowski asked Mr. Wright how people contact him. He said “social media” work of mouth. Peter Roy asked if firearms are purchased by a phone call. Yes, and then the process begins with a background check. Johnathan Stevenson asked how many weapons he had at home at one time. He answered all his firearms are locked up. Also, only gun brokers and wholesalers are allowed to sell to FFL. Everything is stocked by serial number. His business will be more stringent than a gun store. Peter asked about Fed-ex delivering. Mr. Wright said only him, or his wife will be able to sign for the delivery of firearms. Kim asked if there would be any type of firing range. No there will not. There was a discussion about Site Plan Review and abutters.
Peter Roy motion to waive Site Plan Review for David Wright online gun sales at 908 Main Street. And to approve the request for his home business. Anthony Rodrigues second. 3-2 passed
Minutes July 28, 2021
Anthony Rodrigues motion to accept 7-28-21 minutes. Alecia Loveless second 4-1. Passed
Peter Roy abstained.
Johnny read an email from Chris Jensen referring to Tara Bamford. Money can be moved around to pay Tara Bamford.
The board discussed hiring Tara Banford to look over and make suggestions to the subdivision application and checklist. The cost should come in about $600.00.
Anthony Rodrigues motion to hire Tara Bamford for subdivision regulations. Alecia Loveless second 5-1 passed.
Johnny Stevenson will contact Tara Bamford in regards to the board asking for her to go over the current subdivision regulations.
Planning Board discussed the new Planning Board notice.
Peter Roy motion to accept the current notice. Alecia Loveless second 5-0 passed
Alecia Loveless volunteered to become a Bretzfelder board member for the planning board.
Gravel Pit inspections will be after 5pm August 30th – September 4th.
The board discussed training for the board.
Kim Koprowski motion to adjourn. Anthony Rodrigues second. 5-1 adjourned
Respectfully submitted
Deb Bayley
Planning/Zoning Clerk