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09/14/2021 ZB Minutes

2155 Main Street
Bethlehem, NH 03574

Town of Bethlehem

Zoning Board Meeting

Tuesday September 14th, 2021

Quarterly Meeting

ZOOM/ Virtual




Present:  Chair Andrea Bryant, Vice Chair David Van Houten, Shane MacElhiney, Patrick Doughty, Ruth Heintz.

Alternate: Martie Cook.

Chair Bryant- Meeting called to order 6:00

Chair Bryant opened the hearing and read the AGENDA

Pledge of Allegiance

election of officers

Chair Bryant

Vice Chair Van Houten

Discussion began with election of officers.

Patrick Doughty nominated Andrea Bryant: Dave Van Houten second.  All in favor.  5-0

Andrea Bryant nominated Dave Van Houten.  Shane MacElhiney second.  All in favor 5-0

Chair Bryant asked if all Board members know where to access the Master Plan on the website since the new Special Exception Criteria requires, we refer to it. She also asked if anyone needed a hard copy.  Deb Bayley told the Board that there are hard copies in her office.

Minutes 6-8-21

Patrick Doughty motion to approve 6-8-21 minutes.  David Van Houten second 5-0 passed

The board asked if the Delventhal burial conditions had been met. Deb Bayley said No, they have not.  The board would like to have a letter sent to Ms. Delventhal reminding her of the conditions on the Special Exception approval and tell her that she is not in compliance having not met the conditions set by the ZBA and thus cannot have a letter of approval.   The letter will also be sent to the Select Board and Dave Wiley.



The Board discussed the new application for Special Exceptions that has the new criteria on it.

Martie Cook would like to see an explanation of the process used during Special Exception hearings.  She will work on a short paragraph and Deb and Andrea will work with her to use.  The Board will review it at the next meeting.

Martie Cook talked about a virtual zoning conference she attended. She was interested in information about class 6 (paper roads) and having a zoning ordinance that applied to them. Even though there is an RSA that covers class 6 roads since they are roads that the town does not take care of. The advantage of having it in the local ordinances would make sure they aren’t missed during the site plan procedure.

Ruth Heintz reported that Heidi Glavic had asked her if the ZBA can do anything about the profane Biden sign.  Ruth told her it wasn’t anything the ZBA deals with.

Next meeting January 11, 2022.

Motion to adjourn Shane.  Patrick second 5-0

Respectfully submitted

Deb Bayley

Planning/Zoning Clerk