09/14/2022 PB Minutes
2155 Main Street
Bethlehem, NH 03574
Planning Board Hearing
September 14, 2022
6:00 PM
PLANNING BOARD: Vice Chair Anthony Rodrigues, Kim Koprowski, Alecia Loveless, and Chris Jensen.
Absent: Chair Bruno, Martie Cook, and Kevin Roy
Vice Chair Rodrigues opened the public hearing at 6pm.
Pledge of Allegiance
Zoning Ordinance discussion on updated regulations
Horizons Engineering-ADAIR project
Herb Lahout apartments – expansion – conceptual
Chandler Hotel – renovations – conceptual
Minutes from 8-24-22
Board Business
Tara Bamford town planner shared her computer screen for the audience for the zoning ordinance discussion. She noted her findings and discrepancies with the towns current zoning ordinance. She addressed several things -some of the language is too subjective for a zoning ordinance and should be removed.
How a Class V1 road becomes a Class V Road doesn’t belong in a zoning ordinance.
Case Law and State Law should not be in a zoning ordinance.
Some sections are repeated – some section just need to be taken out and rewritten to add correct language.
Zoning map is going to be added – there are several maps in the master plan that can be utilized.
District 2 has two use tables – one will be deleted.
Under article X1 multi-family dwelling unit development – affordability will be taken out.
Article X11 Cluster Development –
needs to have stronger language – an example would be requiring that the development is clustered away from important resource areas or clustered around an open apace area for use by the residents. Mr. Jensen: such as wetland? Tara -Yes
Article X111 Manufactured Housing –needs to be rewritten to incorporate the 2021 amendment – She is not familiar with the statue that would enable the Selectboard to require a renewable permit for manufactured housing parks. It’s more like a business permit. This will be removed.
Article X1V floodplain development – Tara wants to run this by Jenn Gilbert in Concord to be sure it is up to date with the latest floodplain insurance.
Article XV111 Impact fees – She could not find any information regarding how this is determined in our regs. Unless it is a case-by-case basis. It will be taken out.
Article X1X board of adjust – needs to be changed to elected board – missing language regarding ZBA duties etc.
Article XX1 definitions
Excavation regulation – Should not part of the Zoning Ordinances.
Density – needs more discussion
ADUs – Needs to be rewritten with state default language
Home business – needs to be discussed with simple language.
Short term rentals – are quite a complex topic and with require a lot of time. They will be on next year’s agenda.
Closed ZBA regs. first draft – October 26, 2022
ADAIR PROJECT/HORIZONS Engineering proposal
Anthony motioned to accept the proposal and contract with Horizons to inspect construction of the Adair project. Kim Koprowski seconded. 4-0 passed
Closed ADAIR/HORIZONS proposal.
Open conceptual for Herb Lahout – affordable housing conceptual
Mr. Lahout would like to add 5 more affordable housing units to his development off Maple Street. All will be 2-bedroom apartments averaging between $800 and $900 per month. The units will have little to no effect on the schools and will help the affordable housing crisis. He would like to start in early spring with concrete. He plans on building one unit per year.
He has two parcel of land – 11.82 acres and 3.5 acres. Both lots will be following the maximum 25% coverage. The board asked if had spoken with the Village District regarding water and sewer hookup and the fire chief about access. He will speak with both soon.
He was asked to submit a site plan to the planning and zoning office.
Closed Lahout – affordable housing conceptual
Open Chandler conceptual
Matt Woods Director of Asset & Project Management – Giri Hotel Management
The Chandler Hotel would like to add 10 more guest rooms. They plan on taking out the commercial kitchen and two dining areas. He will be creating 10 more parking spaces to accommodate the increase of 10 more efficiency suites. There are currently 65 rooms.
The board asked Mr. Woods to check in with the Village District regarding water and sewer. Mr. Woods would like to start the renovations this Fall.
The board discussed the air conditioning unit on the roof of the Chandler. A condition was attached to the building approval from the previous Arlington Hotel owners – they were asked to lessen the noise coming from the unit with some sort of soundproofing material. Mr. Woods did not know about this, he explained that at Christmas the enclosure for the ac unit fell off the roof.
Tara Bamford – the prior owner’s condition of approval follows the sale of the building. Mr. Woods will investigate this.
The Selectboard can enforce the condition with the new owner.
Mr. Woods was also asked about outside lighting, keeping in mind Bethlehem’s dark sky ordinance. He was asked from the neighbors if the lights can be turned off at night. This would be a safety issue- safety is his priority.
Mr. Woods was asked to submit a site plan review plan to the planning office. He will be adding 10 more spaces and 10 more efficiency hotel rooms.
Closed conceptual for the Chandler Hotel
Minutes 8-24-22
Kim Koprowski motion to approve 8-24-22 minutes. Vice Chair Rodrigues seconded. 3-1 passed
Alecia Loveless abstained.
Kim Koprowski motion to adjourn. Alecia Loveless seconded. 4-0 adjourned
Respectfully submitted
Deb Bayley
Planning/Zoning Clerk