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09/19/2022 SB Minutes

2155 Main Street
Bethlehem, NH 03574

Bethlehem Board of Selectmen

Meeting Minutes

September 19, 2022

In person –Selectman Morris, Selectman Hibberd, and Selectman Queiroga

Select person Hibberd opened the meeting at 6:10.

There was no public input.

Select person Hibberd stated the contract for Robert & Green, PLLC, the town auditors, is up for renewal.  She continued that the town has been working with Robert’s & Green since the 2013 audit.  Select person Queiroga suggested the town put it out to bid because we have been working with them over nine years.  Select person Hibberd agreed and recommended the board review and amend the procurement policy.  There was discussion from the board regarding financial forms (DRA-535) and it was decided to continue having the auditor complete the form until further notice.  Select person Morris suggested we circulate the auditor’s RFP.


Select Person Hibberd moved on to Grafton-Coos Regional Coordinating Council for Community Transportation.  Select person Queiroga suggested asking Frank Claffey if he wanted to remain a community member involved with the board of GCRCC and not signing the MOU at this time.  Select person Hibberd and Morris agreed.


Select person Hibberd moved to 2023 budget hearing dates.  There was discussion and it was decided to have the first department overview on November 28th, the second department overview December 5th and the last department overview on December 12th.  Select person Hibberd recommended moving highway to the last department overview.   It was also decided the total budget review would take place on December 19th and the budget hearing would take place on January 9th, 2023.  The board would decide warrant recommendations on January 16th 2023.


Select person Hibberd moved to Tara Bamford training and it was decided to hold off for more information.  The board would like to know who would be attending the training, what benefit the training would bring, and a sample of the agenda.  The board would also like to know what the maximum number of people Ms. Bamford is would recommend and if she would be willing to do the training in person.  It was also discussed holding off the training until after the March election to see if there would be changes to the ordinances.

Selectperson Hibberd moved to other.  Select person Queiroga said she would like to discuss Cross New Hampshire Rail Trail, an organization seeking support from the Bethlehem Select Board for rail banking which allows them to use the railway without liability going to the railroad and extend the rail trail from Bethlehem into Whitefield.

Select person Queiroga made a motion to support Cross New Hampshire Rail Trail for their rail banking the rail line from Wing Road to Whitefield and Dalton.  Select person Morris seconded and they were all in favor. 


Select person Queiroga and Select person Hibberd had a few items to be discussed in other.


Select person Queiroga suggested seeking other non-profits to handle the food pantry.  Select person Hibberd suggested giving trusted volunteers access to a debit card because it would be much easier for getting supplies for the food pantry.  She also mentioned that there will be an agreement for the non-profit who takes over for WREN and USDA who donates to the food pantry.  Select person Queiroga is going to reach out to other non-profits and will update the board in October who will be taking over for WREN and the goal will be to transition from WREN to the new organization by the end of year.


Select person Hibberd pointed out that there are some departments are looking close to their overall budget.  She recommended keeping that in mind regarding the ARPA funds.  She also discussed lights at the basketball court.  The town investigated getting electric lights at the basketball court and it was going to be very expensive.  It was decided that Select person Hibberd would research the cost solar LED motion detective lights and present that information to the board.  Select person Morris recommended finding solar LED lights that have timers as to not disrupt the neighbors.  Select person Hibberd also discussed the property with the common land and buildable lots issue.  It was decided to seek further legal advice. Select person Hibberd’s last comment was reminding the board of the three warrant articles that had been discussed nuisance properties, short term rentals and an agricultural commission.


Dates that worked for Bethlehem for a joint candidates night with Franconia are October 13th,19th, 20th,and 25th.


Chairman Caplain made a motion to go into non-public per RSA-91A-3 for reasons of personnel, reputation and legal.  Select person Queiroga seconded and Chairman Caplain did roll call and all were in favor.


Chairman Caplain made a motion to adjourn 8:30 pm Select person Queiroga seconded, and all were in favor.

Respectfully submitted,

Mary Moritz

Administrative assistant