09/22/2021 PB Minutes
2155 Main Street
Bethlehem, NH 03574
Planning Board September 22, 2021
6 p.m.
Town Hall: Chair Mike Bruno, Vice Chair Kim Koprowski, Anthony Rodrigues, Alecia Loveless, Veronica Morris and Johnathan Stevenson
Excused absence: Kevin Roy and Chris Jensen
Alternate: Peter Roy
Chair Bruno opened the meeting and read the AGENDA.
He asked Peter Roy to become a voting member for the evening.
All stood for the pledge of allegiance.
Tara Bamford would like to have the board amend her contract agreement.
Task one is being paid for by the applicant. (Signed off)
Task two is being paid for by the town.
Mike Bruno left the meeting for a fire call.
Kim Koprowski moved to accept Task 2 contract agreement; paid by the town.
Johnny Stevenson second. 6-0 passed
Vice Chair Kim Koprowski and the board went over Tara’s suggestions.
Tara Banford went over her suggestions to the planning board. This is a working document. She will have more suggestions at the November meeting.
Johnny Stevenson moved to have her go over the sub-division and road specs. Alecia Loveless second 6-0 passed. Mike Bruno away.
Public input
Chris McGrath asked where the money is coming from to pay Tara. It will be coming out of the consulting budget. (Cares Act)
He also asked about the town joining a chamber. He was directed to the Select Board. His next suggestion is to support the snowmobile club. He would also like the board to add to all motions; “who voted how”.
Tara was asked approximately how much it would cost to edit the sub-division, site plan review and zoning ordinances. She will pen an estimate ready to discuss at the October 13th meeting.
Master Plan
The board went over the yearly master plan update pages.
Next on the AGENDA
Minutes from 9-8-21
Anthony Rodrigues moved to approve 9-8-21 PB minutes. Peter Roy second 7-0 passed.
Mr. Jensen volunteered to rewrite the Gravel Pit checklist at last meeting. The board thanked him for the time he took to improve the document.
Mike Bruno noted that he read that DOT was making a recommendation to ADAIR regarding the apron. Johnny Stevenson said they wanted it to be at a 90 degree. The apron on 302 is looking to be restricted. Adair has not applied for Site Plan Review.
Mike Bruno motion to adjourn. Johnny Stevenson second. 7-0 passed
Next meeting October 13, 2021.
Respectfully submitted
Deb Bayley
Planning/Zoning Clerk