09/23/2021 CC Minutes
2155 Main Street
Bethlehem, NH 03574
Bethlehem Conservation Commission
September 23, 2021
Present: Chair Lindsay Webb, Vivian Winterhoff, Nicole McGrath, Margaret Gale
Absent: Cheryl Jensen, Alternate Marilyn Johnson
Guest: Selectboard Liaison Veronica Morris
Lindsay called the meeting to order at 6:02pm. Veronica will be the BCC’s new liaison to the Selectboard. Lindsay notified the rest of the BCC about Linda Moore’s resignation that was received via email August 12th, effective immediately. Lindsay motioned to accept Linda’s resignation, Margaret seconded, the motion passed 4-0. Linda’s resignation was accepted with regrets. Linda did indicate that she may be interested in serving the commission again in the future.
The BCC reviewed the minutes of June 24, 2021. There were a few minor corrections. Vivian motioned to approve the minutes with the corrections, Lindsay seconded, motion passed 4-0.
Margaret gave the Treasurer’s Report. There was $14,694.68 as of 9/1/21 and $995.00 remaining in the Town Account.
The BCC reviewed the mailbag items.
- 6/18/2021 – Additional Request for More Information from NHDES to Eckman Engineering (PMR) Permit #2021-01273
- 6/24/2021 – Notice of Public Hearing from NHDES regarding Permit #2020-02239 (Dalton Landfill)
- 6/25/2021 – Response from Eckman Engineering (PMR) Permit #2021-01273
- 7/6/2021 – Approved Wetlands Permit from NHDES for PMR (2021-01273)
- 7/15/2021 – Wetlands Permit Application for Point of View Trust
- 7/19/2021 – Letter from DES, re: Wetlands Permit (Point of View Trust) 2021-02259 is administratively complete
- 7/21/2021 – Letter of Deficiency from DES to NCES re: leachate release
- 7/26/2021 – email from DES identifying environmental consultant (A&D Klumb Environmental) to conduct the restoration for LRM 2020-01024 (AHEAD Project)
- 7/31/2021 – letter from DES to 3447 Main Street (anonymous complaint)
- 8/3/2021 – several emails back and forth between DES and A&D Klumb regarding a change to the restoration plan at AHEAD – LRM 2020-01024
- 8/12/2021 – email from Linda Moore re: resignation/leave, effective immediately
There was discussion on the status of the various permits for Presidential Mountain Resort. The wetlands permit has been approved. It has been determined that an Alteration of Terrain permit is not needed and according to the DES One Stop the shoreland permit is still under review. Lindsay gave a brief update on the AHEAD mitigation; they are working with A&D Klum on the restoration plan. DES has requested more information on the wetland permit application for Point of View Trust. The New Hampshire Conservation Commission Association is holding its annual conference virtually this year, there is a cost of $35.00 and it is in the budget if any members are interested in going. Registration is open until November 4th.
The was a letter sent to the Town from DES regarding a possible shoreland violation off of Hydro Lane. There was a discussion on what the Town is doing to prevent and/or stop violations from happening. The BCC discussed ways of distributing information and education to residents through mailers, the website, annual report and other resources. Develop a handout similar to DES Got Permits poster.
Lindsay and Andrew have walked to property a few times to begin the trail design process. Lindsay let everyone know that the UNH Cooperative is doing a September Statewide Bioblitz if anyone is interested in participating it uses the iNaturalist app and can be done at the Town Forest.
There was a discussion on endangered and threatened species that could possibly be in the area and how that could offer additional protection and/or mitigation if they are identified and documented.
The NHACC has put out a new handbook. The handbooks can be purchased for $20.00. Lindsay motioned for the commission to order four copies of the new handbook at a cost of $20.00 per handbook and $80.00 total. Vivian seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. The Commission will retain two copies, one copy to the library and one copy for the Town Hall.
There was a brief discussion on ordering clean up shirts for 2022. Would the BCC use the Just Be logo? Just be Green? Just be Kind? Margaret would like the commission to use organic t-shirts. Some non-shirt options were discussed as well. Two possible vendors that offer organic materials and printing are Liberty Graphic and Soul Flower.
The BCC received a letter from a resident on Brook Road who is concerned by the increase in litter. The BCC reviewed the letter and discuss possible ideas. Lindsay is going to send a copy of the letter to the Highway Department and the Police Department. Vivian is going to reach out to Andre to invite him to come to our next meeting as he would like to present his ideas and research on how to address the litter problem.
NEXT MEETINGS: 6pm (Library)
October 28, 2021
November 28, 2021
At the next meeting the BCC will discuss the current vacancies and the best way to advertise the vacancies. Veronica will mention the vacancies at the next Selectboard meeting.
Margaret motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:39pm, motion was seconded and passed unanimously.
Meeting adjourned 7:39pm
Respectfully Submitted,
Nicole McGrath, Secretary