09/26/2023 TSC Minutes
2155 Main Street
Bethlehem, NH 03574
Minutes of the September 26, 2023
Meeting of the Transfer Station Committee
The meeting commenced at 6:34PM in the Library. Present were Paul Karpawich, Nancy Strand, Barry Zitser, Margaret Gale, Chris Jensen, and Julie Seeley. Andrea Bryant joined the meeting a few minutes after it commenced.
Public Input. Paul said he came to listen. He went to Sweden to look at food waste diversion practices. He noted that the country diverts 99% of its waste from landfilling, and is a leader in recycling. He mentioned one Swedish town which converts food waste both into gas for transportation and compost. Nancy updated Paul on the status of the Town’s U.S. Department of Agriculture (“USDA”) grant application, which will have to await next year for the possibility of funding.
During the discussion on other potential grant opportunities, Nancy stated that she and Mary Moritz had a good communication with the Northern Borders Regional Commission. The next step is not until March, when the Town would be able to apply. Nancy will check with Mary about the exact date when the USDA grant will be due.
There was some discussion on the current status of the Stage VI expansion of the NCES landfill. Julie revealed that the Tri-Town transfer station now uses Mt. Carberry for its solid waste disposal. Andrea suggested that we should make further contact with Mt. Carberry to be sure that it will still be made available for Bethlehem after the NCES landfill stops operating.
It was agreed that Barry would contact NH the Beautiful, the Mascoma Bank Foundation, the Neil and Louise Tillotson Fund, and 1% for the Planet Impact Fund for potential grant opportunities. There was some discussion indicating that the Northern Community Investment Corporation might no longer be available for grant purposes. Nancy indicated that she would contact the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation for possible grant opportunities.
Chris suggested contacting our federal representatives in Washington, D.C. for assistance, particularly in light of the dry-up of USDA funds, possibly due to Congressional earmarks. Chris volunteered to contact the Northern Forest Center about a possible grant opportunity. Paul volunteered to contact the N.H. Department of Environmental Services and 350 New Hampshire regarding potential grant opportunities.
The Committee will update our efforts at exploring grant opportunities at the next meeting.
Nancy suggested that we should think about further scaling down the future transfer station if sufficient grant opportunities do not develop.
Paul stated that he would like to join our Committee as a member, and Nancy stated she would request his approval as a member at the next Select Board meeting.
The proposed minutes of the August 8, 2023 meeting was unanimously approved.
The Committee decided to defer the discussion of the next edition of Just Be Greener to the next meeting in order to concentrate on grant opportunities.
The next meeting was established for October 24 at 6:30.