09/28/2022 PB Minutes
2155 Main Street
Bethlehem, NH 03574
Planning Board Meeting
September 28, 2022
6:00 PM
PLANNING BOARD: Chair Mike Bruno, Martie Cook, Kevin Roy, and Veronica Morris
Absent: Vice Chair Anthony Rodrigues, Kim Koprowski, Alecia Loveless, and Chris Jensen.
Vice Chair Bruno opened the meeting at 6pm.
Pledge of Allegiance
Conceptual Meeting
Ryan and Jess Donnelly – Cherry Valley Road – home business – Top Notch Van Co.
The applicants presented their business plan for Van Conversions.
They convert RAM Promaster, Ford Transit and Mercedes Sprinter van models. Top Notch convert Vans into sustainable off grind homes on wheels.
- Full solar electrical and plumbing (including hot water)
- Full operational kitchen, indoor and outdoor shower options.
- Cassette or composting toilets.
Full or Queen bed options. Living area and room for 3+ and custom storage below and above. The installation is done complete on the premises.
They reuse materials for little to no waste. Currently used just one residential trash container.
They are aware of the noise ordinance. Most of their days are behind a computer. Van conversion days usually end by 7pm.
They would like to put up a sign for the business at the end of the driveway.
Chair Bruno – how are you disposing of hazardous materials and construction trash?
Jess Donnelly- We are not creating any hazardous fluids. We are moving away from winterizing the RV’s and having to drain the fluid. Instead, we have a heating system that utilizes that and prevents that from being required.
There will be no discharging of fluids like antifreeze, oil or any other vehicle fluids. They can dispose of their construction debris from build outs; all can go out with regular household rubbish.
There will be approximately 3 vehicles in the yard. In the next 3 – 5 years they plan on having 3 vans ready for rentals.
Martie Cook asked if there were an LLC? No, not yet but will be obtaining it soon.
Chair Bruno motion to waive SPR for Top Notch Van Co. Martie Cook seconded. 4-0 passed
Ashley Lamothe – home business – greenhouse
She would like to turn her back porch (24’x16’ – 8’ high) 384 square feet’ She is a landscaper with her brother and would like to have her inventory on premises.
Martie Cook asked about heat source – Electric heat will be the heat source and hopefully the sun. She plans on building the add on structure herself.
Martie Cook motion to waive Site Plan Review for 212 River Road – back porch greenhouse. Kevin Roy seconded the motion. 4-0 passed
Yitz Rudich– 1214 Main Street – Pinewoods Motel
Mr. Rudich explained to the board that he wants to build another motel in the same area as the demolished Pinewoods Motel.
He would like to move it back off the road, install a gate and fencing at the current entrance to deter traffic and pedestrians from entering or exiting. The current entrance is very dangerous. He would like the entrance to be further down 302 next to the Melody Lane site.
He wants to extend the footprint in the front of the cabins by 4’ and move it back about 10’ from 302. (proposed 24’x 82’) (was 20’ x 82’)
Proposed 5 units – 1-2 bedrooms. (7 units – past)
He is currently providing short term rentals to local homeless individuals – his property manager Bobby Sue Baker is working with Tri-County cap and the police department to provide emergency shelter. He does not want to commit to this forever. Just during the winter months.
He would like to not have to apply for site plan review – he feels as though he is only adding 4’ to the front of the hotel and moving it back off the road a bit.
Chair Bruno – he likes the fencing idea – needs to talk to Jack Anderson Fire Chief about it. Mr. Rudich said has already spoken with Jack Anderson, and he was ok with the idea.
- Veronica Morris – connector is back-to-back with Memory Lane? Mr. Rudich – there is plenty of room.
- Kevin Roy – the building is not going to be the exact footprint.
- Veronica Morris – moving the building is a good thing – this amount of change in footprint is “substantial.”
- Martie Cook – how far back from the road?
- Rudich – 10- 15’ away from the footprint
- Chair Bruno – we don’t even have a sketch of the building – even something cartoony would help us to visualize.
Chair Bruno made a motion to have a site visit for the proposed 5-unit Pinewoods replacement building, Memory Lane and PMR. Date set for October 12th at 5pm. Kevin Roy seconded. 4-0 passed
Veronica Morris would like to attend. Martie Cook would also like to attend
Chair Bruno – 3 board members can attend; so not to signify a quorum. Deb will send a note to the board for individual board members that would like to go.
Conceptual Marc Goudreau – family cemetery
Chair Bruno – Marc Goudreau had an unexpected appointment and could not attend tonight’s meeting. Mr. Bruno had planned to present Mr. Goudreau’s conceptual for a cemetery. Due to not having a quorum for the vote, Mr. Goudreau’s conceptual will be moved to October 12th.
Minutes from September 14th will be tabled until the next meeting. No quorum
Chair Bruno talked about the Master Plan (2016) – the board makes yearly updates on the goals list, usually in November.
Chair Bruno will work on the budget and email the board. (10,000 ARPA funds)
Martie Cook – is there training available for planning and zoning
Veronica Morris – the Select Board is working on it.
Martie Cook – reported that a citizen volunteer group had a meeting with North Country Council and Tara Bamford. The group is hopeful that the Select Board will apply for a grant to study town housing needs. This is Phase 1 of a 3-step progress grant that will supply data to the boards.
Veronica Morris – there is funding through the State
Nancy Strand – it is a 25-thousand-dollar grant – Have the select board apply- Citizens’ role in this Phase will be to promote the survey.
Martie Cook – so moved that the Planning Board support the Select Boards application of the Phase 1 housing grant for North country Council to perform town housing needs study. Veronica Morris seconded. 4-0 passed
Zoning Regulations were discussed. First draft meeting with Tara Bamford is October 26th.
Tara Bamford needs a couple more hours to complete the Site Plan Review application and checklist.
Mike Bruno motion to allow Tara Bamford to complete the Site Plan Review application and checklist as budgeted. 4-0 motion passed
Next meeting October 12th, 2022 – site visit at 5pm – meeting at 6pm
Martie Cook motioned to adjourn. Kevin Roy seconded. All in favor
Respectfully submitted
Deb Bayley
Planning/Zoning Clerk