1/24/2024 PB Minutes
2155 Main Street
Bethlehem, NH 03574
Planning Board Meeting
January 24, 2024
Present: Anthony Rodrigues, Linda Moore, Mike Bruno, Martie Cook, Alecia Loveless, Sean Gawlick, and Kevin Roy
Anthony Rodrigues opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance at 6:00 pm.
The first agenda item is a Lot Line adjustment between property owned by Labrador Fetch, LLC, located on Map 401 Lot 30 and abutting property owned by Peter and Rebecca Forkner located Map 401 Lot 28.
Edward Hoyle, representing Labrador Fetch and consultant Steve Boulanger present the plans to the Board. Steve explains the intent is to transfer approximately 22 acres from one lot to another.
The Board reviews the application checklist.
Mike Bruno made a motion to accept the checklist as complete. Linda Moore seconded the motion. All approved.
Mike Bruno made a motion to approve the application for lot line adjustment. Martie Cook seconded the motion. All approved.
The second agenda item is a conceptual meeting for Thomas Carter’s property located at 2061 Main Street. The building was formerly known as Lloyd Hills and was home to a restaurant and laundromat, as well as rental units on the upper floors. The plan moving forward is like the building’s past; there will be 6 rental units on the upper floors and the downstairs space will house a bakery owned by Bonilla Bread and a coffee roaster/co-worker space owned by Angela Cleveland.
Sean questions the placement of the wheelchair ramp. Mike reminds Thomas that the lights need to be downward facing. Kevin inquired about occupancy of the apartments. Thomas confirmed all the units are currently rented except one which is currently being renovated.
Casey and Jose Bonilla present the plan for their bakery, followed by Angela Cleveland who presented the plan for the co-worker space. Martie Cook raises concerns about the 8 parking spaces on the plan for the 75 seats proposed between the two businesses. Mike Bruno reminds the board that businesses located in District 1 Main Street are exempt from the parking requirements.
Mike Bruno suggests the Planning Board consider waiving the Site Plan Review for the businesses to occupy a building that was formerly commercial for similar uses and puts the motion forward.
Martie Cook seconded the motion. All approved.
The third agenda item is a conceptual meeting for a Work Force Housing Project presented by AHEAD of Littleton, NH. The proposed location for the project is located on a portion of Leslie Dreier’s property located on the town’s tax map number 414, lot 25. Larry Berg, AHEAD’s Director of Real Estate Development, and Philip Bennet of Alba Architects present the plans to the Board and welcome any comments or feedback.
The project is for a cluster development consisting of single and two-story homes that will be a mix of fully ADA compliant homes and non-ADA compliant homes. Philip Bennett is concerned about the Center Line Setback of 60 feet in District 1. Mr. Bennett is hoping for that to adjusted to 30 feet in order to create small communities. The plan has green space and meets the various requirements for the districts.
The first phase will consist of 138 bedrooms within 54 units that are a mix of both 2 and 3 bedrooms. The goal will be to sell the first phase for between $250K and $300k per home. The 1 story 2-bedroom units will be in the range of 1100 sq ft with at 220 sq fit single bay garage. The 3-bedroom homes will be about 1260 to 1300 sq ft, also with a single bay garage. If the proposed Zoning Amendment for Cluster Development passes all the single-story homes would qualify for the proposed density bonus.
Mike wonders if this project was going to be using the shared equity model used by Champlain Housing Trust in VT. Larry explained that because the cost to construct the first phase would be so high, the shared equity model would not be considered for phase one; however, the plan would be to use this model for the future phases. This would maintain housing affordability for future homeowners.
The Board reviewed the minutes from 1/10/24. Martie Cook wished to make an addition to the minutes for clarification.
Excerpt from the minutes with changes in bold print:
Mike is concerned that Amendment 6 is not in line with what the Board first discussed regarding STR. The intent was to have something in place that would notice abutters of STR, but he sees nothing that supports that.
Martie suggests that should be added next year, because the way it is defined, they will be coming in for conceptual and if we need it to go to a minor site plan review, we can ask for that. The intent being it is not a requirement, but it still allows for neighbor notification on a case-by-case basis.
Martie Cook moves to accept the minutes as amended. Sean Gawlik seconded the motion, Linda Moore abstained, motion passes 6-0.
Mike Bruno wanted to revisit a conversation that took place in the fall with Kaela Tarvas regarding a mock meeting for the purpose of reviewing procedures and working through any bumps that may exist. He had received an email from Kaela inquiring if the Planning Board wanted to move forward with the exercise. It was agreed that the Planning Board would hold a work session on February 28, 2024, to begin the process.
There being no further business Martie Cook motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:35. Sean Gawlik seconded with all members voting favor.
The next scheduled meeting is Wednesday, February 14, 2024, at 6:00 pm.
Respectfully submitted by,
Dawn Ferringo
Planning and Zoning Clerk