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10/12/2022 PB Minutes

2155 Main Street
Bethlehem, NH 03574


Planning Board Meeting

October 12, 2022


6:00 PM




PLANNING BOARD: Chair Mike Bruno, Vice Chair Anthony Rodrigues, Kim Koprowski, Alecia Loveless, Martie Cook, Kevin Roy, and Veronica Morris

Absent: Chris Jensen.


Chair Bruno opened the meeting at 6pm.

Pledge of Allegiance


Conceptual Meeting

Marc Goudreau – South Road – Home Cemetery

Mr. Goudreau – would like to construct a 20’ x 20’ area of land for the cemetery.  He lives on 28 acres of land so there is plenty of space.  It will be at the top of his property.  This is a permitted use in District two.

Martie Cook asked about state ordinances? – Mr. Goudreau has hired a surveyor – Kevin Morris.  This will take care of all permits secured with state and town ordinances.

Chair Bruno made a motion to waive Site Plan for Mr. Goudreau’s home cemetery on South Road.  Vice Chair Rodrigues seconded. 7-0   all in favor.


Brent Cole Granite Engineering – Birchwood subdivision- access off Swazey Lane

Mr. Cole – Birchwood subdivision went bankrupt in the 70’s – Richard Gould owns the property; he plans to merge and combine the undersized areas to create buildable lots.  He currently has a buyer for the property and would like to have the lot line adjustments done before the sale is final.

Board member questioned Mr. Cole regarding access South of Cedar.  Mr. Cole – no improvements on Cedar.  Lot #46 will access off Ridge Road.

Granite Engineering will apply for lot line mergers for this property along with Mr. Gould.


Horizons Engineering – Chair Bruno signed the road inspection proposal for ADAIR.


Minutes – 9-14-22

Vice Chair Rodrigues made a motion to approve 9-14-22 minutes.  Kim Koprowski seconded.

4 abstained (Anthony, Kim, Alecia, and Veronica)               3 approved   motion passed

Minutes – 9-28-22

Veronica Morris made a motion to approve 9-28-22 minutes as amended. Vice Chair Rodrigues seconded the motion.  5-2    Kim Koprowski and Alecia Loveless abstained


Presidential Mountain Resort Site Visit

Three board members attended the visit. Kim Koprowski, Martie Cook and Kevin Roy

Kevin Roy – emergency access was easy to see and slightly bigger.  The complex is not as close to memory lane as the original building still leaving plenty of parking in front of the unit. It does not seem to be that much of a change.  Moving it away from the road makes sense.

Kim Koprowski – It looks well put together. Having access to Presidential Mountain Resort via a walkway to each section. She liked it.

Martie Cook would like to see plans for the entire parcel – not just one building – she liked the green space where people could gather. Only difference in footprint is 4 feet added to the front of the building. They don’t need an engineered plan just a more formal one.  She would suggest a Minor Site Plan.

Veronica Morris – she was a bit dismayed. At another conceptual for a home greenhouse, they brought a cartoon sketch.  She is still waiting for a cartoonish drawing she asked for at the last meeting and to Mr. Rudich on the phone.  Memory Lane and Pinewood were back-to-back from each other; the setbacks are going to be different for the new building.  We need to see a plan.

Marty Cook – that’s why she asked for a minor Site plan that will include a footprint map

Chair Bruno – Just for clarification we are dictated to conceptual language. The applicate can have a drawing on a napkin but nothing formal can be introduced.  Abutters are not required to be noticed.  A conceptual is only a discussion on the project – with feedback from the board.

The board recommended that the applicant apply for a minor site plan.  This will notice all abutters and include a footprint of the area.  It will include nonprofessional plans of the parcel; submitted to the Planning and Zoning office.

Bobby Sue Baker – PMR manager – she will be working on a sketch to be make the project more visible. She invited all to come down and visit.




The board discussed the budget for 2022 -2023.  10-thousand-dollar ARPA funding was instrumental for the board. This made the board able to hire Tara Bamford.  She has updated Bethlehem’s sub – division regulations and Site Plan regulations. They are on the Bethlehem website.   Currently she is working on updating the zoning ordinance.  The plan is to have the zoning regulations update ready for the March election.

Other line items were discussed – phone – postage- consulting services – legal expense – registry – advertising – services – supplies

Chair Bruno will work on the numbers for the budget for the next meeting on October 26th, 2022

Planning Board budget is due to the Selectboards office (Mary Moritz) Monday November 21, 2022.  Planning Board will present their budget to the Select Board November 28th, 2022.

Chair Bruno asked about the monies accrued from Planning and Zoning application fees. It is just a wash; from one hand to another?  It goes to the general fund.  Veronica Morris – We could set up a revolving fund that could separate that from the general fund.  She will be happy to look into this.

Chair Bruno asked for clarification on services.  Deb Bayley will investigate this.  (Technical help – Harry Newell and training)

Martie Cook suggested that the services line item should be changed to training.

Chair Bruno – Deb sends NHMA workshops – If planning board members want to go, please ask.  Kim Koprowski would like to go to the November workshop.

Veronica Morris – there is a change in the law requiring advertising.  Nobody reads the newspaper enough.  The town can write to the paper saying they no longer plan on advertising public notices.  We need to be sure of the RSA.  Alecia Loveless -Tax auctions still in the paper. Legal notices can be noticed at the town hall, library, website and postoffice.


Next meeting with Tara.  October 26th.  Zoning Ordinance first drat.

Martie Cook – 25K grant for zoning updates.  Has the Select Board applied for it yet? Veronica nope; she had covid.  Chris Jensen was in the first meeting.

Martie Cook will write the application.  Veronica Morris – talk to Nancy Strand.  I am sure there are minutes from the Selectboard meeting you can use.  Martie Cook – Planning board minutes with the motion to support the Select Board in pursuing the grant should be all she needs. Martie Cook – it needs to be done asap.

Chair Bruno asked that the November 9th include Master Plan updates.  The board has kept up with this for several years.

Planning Board will only have one meeting in November and one meeting in December.

Chair Bruno was thinking about the annual report.  The board has done a lot this year.  This may make it easier for the next board.

Veronica Morris mentioned the water leaks in the basement of the town building.  The police proposed an office outside how or where to be determined.  They need plumbing.


Next meeting October 26, 2022

Martie Cook – Motion to adjourn.  Chairmen Bruno seconded.  All in favor


Respectfully submitted

Deb Bayley

Planning/Zoning Clerk