10/13/2021 PB Minutes
2155 Main Street
Bethlehem, NH 03574
Planning Board October 13, 2021
6 p.m.
Town Hall: Chair Mike Bruno, Vice Chair Kim Koprowski, Kevin Roy, Alecia Loveless, Johnathan Stevenson and Chris Jensen
Excused absence: Anthony Rodrigues
Alternate: Peter Roy (out)
Chair Bruno opened the meeting and read the AGENDA.
All stood for the pledge of allegiance.
2213 Main Street Conceptual
Partners Chandler Grisham and Josh Clement would like to turn the trading post into an axe throwing venue. Complete with a small bar and snack food. They plan on having outside and inside lanes. The lanes can be compared to bowling alley lanes. Throwing lanes will consist of 4 people in each lane. The lanes are 25 feet long with a 12-foot throwing lane. Coaches will instruct patrons upon arrival. The board was favorable about the business and expressed that the applicant will have to go thru Site Plan review; due to change of use.
Closed conceptual
Board Business
Open grant money discussion
Johnny Stevenson motion to have Chris Jensen ask the Select Board for 10 thousand dollars from the ARPA grant fund for Tara Bamford Consulting Services to clean up the town’s ordinances, sub-division, site plan regulations and checklists. Kim Koprowski second. 6-0 passed
Mike Bruno reminded the board that Master Plan 10-year update will be due in 3 years.
Chris Jensen suggested that the board ask Harry Newell about running the video equipment for the planning board meetings. Deb will call Harry.
The budget was discussed for 2022. Mike Bruno will work up some numbers for next meeting on October 27th.
Minutes 9-22-21
Kim Koprowski motion to approve 9-22-21 minutes. Johnathan Stevenson second.
4-2 passed Chris Jensen and Kevin Roy abstained
Mike Bruno request to go into non-public.
Out of non-public
The board would like to invite the Commissioners from the Village District to the next Planning Board meeting.
All in favor. 6-0
Mr. Jensen mention the GIS overlay. This will enhance the districts on the town mapping system. He will propose the cost to the Select Board.
Kevin Roy motion to adjourn. Kim Koprowski second. 6-0 adjourned
Respectfully submitted
Deb Bayley
Planning/Zoning Clerk