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10/15/2024 TSC Minutes

2155 Main Street
Bethlehem, NH 03574

Transfer Station Committee Minutes

6 p.m. on October 15, 2024

Bethlehem Public Library

Present: Nancy Strand, Barry Zitser, Julie Seely, Chris Jensen and Paul Karpawich

Excused absence: Andrea Bryant

Guest: Allegra Wright

Minutes by Chris Jensen


Public Comment

There was no public comment.


Free Signs from “New Hampshire the Beautiful”

To try and save money, there was an agreement to again take advantage of this year’s free signs by getting four signs. Mr. Zitser made a motion to authorize Ms. Strand to apply for the signs. Mr. Jensen seconded the motion which was unanimously approved.


Grants Update

There was nothing on new grant possibilities. Work on the SWIFR EPA grant continues. Mr. Zitser says he has been doing some research that will help with the SWIFR grant. It appears the Mascoma Bank Foundation grant is now being limited to non-profits, which eliminates the town.


Discussion on Phase I Cost Options

Mr. Zitser discussed a series of modifications from the original Aries/USDA plan sent to the committee. These include buying a compactor that would be less trouble than purchasing and maintaining a compactor truck; having one loading dock rather than three and a smaller building.


Mr. Zitser also said it seems to him that money could be saved by having one full-time employee and two part-time workers and having the site use Phase One power instead of Phase Three Power. Several other members said that overall Mr. Zitser’s suggestions were excellent, but worries included more workers being needed. However, everyone agreed with the need to minimize the budget for the first year.

Mr. Jensen expressed a concern that the town might not get a grant or the congressional earmark and the committee needs a bare-bone plan. Mr. Zitser was more optimistic about the ability to fund a reasonably equipped transfer station that includes recycling.


Ms. Strand noted one possibility would be to come up with several plans on different budgets and providing the information for the select board and town to make a decision.


There was a discussion about the importance of supplementing the Aries engineering report with outside help such as Mr. Rusty Scott from the Lancaster Transfer Station (and possibly Tim Blake from Tri-Town) including a visit to the proposed site on Route 116 to get their thoughts and suggestions.


Mr. Zitser endorsed the work by Aries and said he is convinced Aries could make any suggested changes to reduce the overall cost.


Ms. Strand said the committee could get some advice from Mr. Scott and possibly Mr. Blake and then take that to Aries for help with the engineering plan. Mr. Jensen said he favors getting as much information as possible.


Mr. Zitser proposed a motion that the committee recommend that the select board approve spending up to $1,500 from the Transfer Station Capital Reserve Fund to retain one or more consultants to provide advice on reducing the cost projected in the Aries Engineering plan. It was moved by Mr. Jensen and seconded by Mr. Karpawich and passed unanimously.



Mr. Zitser made a motion to approve the minutes of August 19th and Sept. 24th as amended. It was seconded by Mr. Jensen and unanimously approved.


Other Business

“Mr. Zitser told the Committee that he and Mr. Karpawich plan to meet with the Conservation Commission about ways for the Town to pursue a reduction in the use of unnecessary and single-use plastics.”

Next Meeting

The next meeting will be Nov. 19th at 6 p.m. at the library.


The meeting adjourned at 7:20 pm.