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10/19/2021 BC Minutes

2155 Main Street
Bethlehem, NH 03574

Bethlehem Cares Committee Work


Present: Chris Jensen, Tina Lister, Alison Caruso, Carol Johnson-Haywood, Erin Talcott

Next meeting: 11/30/21 at 9:30

Public Meeting Discussion Points:

Minutes from 9/9/21 were accepted.

There are not any new applications to be reviewed at this time.

Ruth mentioned that the committee may want to consider someone to take her place as she finds it difficult to leave her job to attend the morning meetings. All present agreed that Ruth’s input and unique background is a huge asset to the committee. It is very much appreciated that Ruth is available to answer questions as needed. As long as Ruth is willing the committee would very much appreciate her continued participation.


Alison created a great flyer to be used as part of our ongoing fundraising. (Tina and Alison will work together to consolidate.) Current ideas for flyer: Trunk or Treat, Town newsletter, Community dinner, Post on the elementary school door, Post Office.


The Maia Papaya fundraising timeline has not been defined. Perhaps we can coordinate with Thanksgiving to connect with the theme of gratitude as well as coordinate with increased purchases during the holiday. Alison will talk with Melissa.


Reconciling our books on a monthly basis was discussed. Chris will talk with Frank regarding the check distribution. It was suggested that April be the point person to keep track of check distributions. Alison offered to reconcile the books once she has the needed information.


Meeting adjourned.