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10/21/2024 PB & ZBA Site Visit Minutes

2155 Main Street
Bethlehem, NH 03574


Planning Board & ZBA Site Visit

Former Sinclair Lot

October 21, 2024



Present Planning Board: Linda Moore, Veronica Morris, Kevin Roy, and Sean Gawlik


Present Zoning Board: Andrea Bryant, David Van Houten, and Josh Leiberman


Andrea called the site visit to order at 2:15 and appointed wetlands scientist Elise Lawson as a wetland technical assistant for the site visit before going over the ground rules for the meeting. Andrea reminded attendees that the purpose of today was only to look at the site. She also noted that there would be no public input allowed.


Bill Walker, Housing Initiatives of New England Corp Vice President toured the Planning Board and ZBA members around the boundary lines of the site. The site included markers for the building boundaries as well.  The site also included the abandoned tennis court and pool, stone walls, and a man-made seasonal stream.


A discussion took place regarding the Storm Water Pond, which will be located where the pool is and will be large enough for a 100-year storm, which is twice the size required. Bill pointed out they went bigger to protect the abutters.


Bill discussed the existing trees on the lot and stated that everything within 20 feet of the boundary would remain.


The site visit was adjourned at 3:45


Respectfully submitted by


Dawn Ferringo

Planning and Zoning Clerk