10/22/2020 CC Minutes
2155 Main Street
Bethlehem, NH 03574
October 22, 2020
6:00 PM
PRESENT: Chair Lindsay Webb, Nicole McGrath, Cheryl Jensen, Vivian Winterhoff, Alternate Marilyn Johnson, Linda Moore (joined meeting late)
ABSENT: Margaret Gale
GUESTS: Barry Zitser
The meeting was called to order at 6:05 pm.
The BCC reviewed the minutes from the September 24th meeting. Lindsay appointed Alternate Marilyn Johnson as a full voting member. Cheryl motioned to approve the minutes of the September 24th meeting. Lindsay seconded, Motion passes 3-0-0 (Nicole and Vivian abstained, Linda not present).
Cheryl motioned to transfer the remaining money from our town account to our savings account. Lindsay seconded the motion. Discussion on if we should wait until after the November meeting incase anything comes up in the last couple of months. The BCC spent $643 and has a remaining $635 in the town account this included the NHACC Dues and the markers for the town forest.
Next month the BCC will prepare next year’s budget to present to the Select Board.
9/22/2020 Notice of Acceptance of wetlands permit from NHDES – Dalton Landfill
10/13/2020 NHACC Dues & Annual Conference
10/14/2020 DES to Omni Mount Washington request for more information NHDES 2020-01557
10/15/2020 NHDES regarding the application for NCES permit Application#19-0058
10/16/2020 NHDES regarding RUDARPA temporary permit Application #20-0315
10/19/2020 NRRA Annual Meeting
10/19/2020 NHDES 2020 Impaired surface water list
The BCC reviewed the mailbag items. A section of the Ammonoosuc was removed from the impaired waters list. Vivian would like to go to the NHACC conference. Registration is on Nov. 4th. The conference is on Nov. 7th, registration is $35. Cheryl motioned that we pay for Vivian to go to the Annual Conservation Commission Conference, Marilyn seconded, Motion passed. 5-0
Barry Zitser spoke about an opportunity that the Town may want to explore in relation to a condition placed on the landfill permit modification. Condition 27e will enable towns to pursue waste diversion programs. The permit requires NCES to assist 10 or more solid waste generators including at least 5 municipalities to establish or improve landfill diversion.
He would like the Select Board to contact NCES and say that we would like to be one of the communities to work with NCES under this condition specifically under a food waste diversion system. There was discussion on if the BCC wanted to support this idea. It was agreed to be added as an agenda topic at the November meeting after the BCC has time to review the information more thoroughly. Discussion on if waiting until November will be to long. Barry recommends making a decision within the next couple of months.
Linda gave an update on the Town Forest. Some of the medallions were placed on the wrong side of the trees in one section of the property. She has spoken to Gardener and he will be correcting it.
There was discussion on the NNRA annual meeting and if Conservation Commission member can attend. The Town is a member of the NRRA. The annual meeting is on November 4th. Anyone town committee member or official can register and there is no cost to participate.
Cheryl moved we adjourn the meeting at 7:10pm, Vivian seconded the motion. Motion passed 6-0.
Meeting adjourned 7:10pm.
Respectfully Submitted,
Nicole McGrath, Secretary