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10/24/24 BC Minutes

2155 Main Street
Bethlehem, NH 03574


Wednesday, October 24, 2024
9:00 am
Members Present: Carol Haywood, Kay Kerr, Chris Jensen, Tina Lister Minutes of October 2, 2024 were
CJ moved to go into non-public session. TL seconded.
A question came up concerning the last two requests. Discussion followed.
Case #20224-36 (JS) Applicant has spent around $4500 within the last two weeks for medical, dental
and car bills. She is looking for assistance towards some of this outlay. As these payments have
already been made and the applicant can’t be personally reimbursed according to our bylaws, it was
proposed to pay the dentist and ask them to refund her credit card for the payment. TL made a
motion to make a payment to Santilli Dentistry to cover the $1506 amount for the crown. CH
seconded. Motion passed.
CH moved to come out of nonpublic session. CJ seconded. All approved. Meeting adjourned 9:26 am