10/28/2020 PB Minutes
2155 Main Street
Bethlehem, NH 03574
Planning Board
October 28, 2020
6 p.m.
Present: Mike Bruno, Chris McGrath, and Anthony Rodrigues.
Alternates: Peter Roy and Anthony Rodrigues
Excused absence Chairman Johnathan Stevenson, Marie Stevenson, Kim Koprowski and Kevin Roy
Chris McGrath, Anthony Rodrigues and Mike Bruno were at the town hall. Chris Jensen, and Peter Roy were remote
Mr. Bruno opened the meeting at 6:00 and then read the Agenda.
Mr. Bruno asked Anthony Rodrigues and Peter Roy to become full voting members for the evening.
Public notice:
Open Gadwah/Hodgen minor subdivision
The board reviewed the checklist and found it to be complete.
Chris McGrath motion to approve the checklist as complete. Anthony Rodrigues second 5-0 motion passed
Mark Vanderhaden the surveyor explained the project.
At 1056 Old Franconia Road Mr. Hodgen has 115+ acres and plans on subdividing it into two parcels. His father owns the white house on the property. He will be using the existing driveway to access the property. #2 parcel will consist of 12 acres. They will use a map provided by Bill Smith. Mark Vanderhaven will be providing the plat and mapping included with the abutters.
No public or board input
Chris McGrath motion to approve the minor subdivision for 1056 Old Franconia Road. Mr. Jensen second 5-0 motion passed
Mr. Bruno signed the Mylar
Closed 1056 Old Franconia Road conceptual
Minutes from October 14, 2020 were tabled until the next meeting on November 4th, 2020.
Board Business
Mr. Jensen asked about the renovations going on at the synagogue. He asked if they need to come before the board for updated plan. He was reminded that the Planning Board does not seek work. He was referred to the code officer Dave Wiley. This is a Select Board issue.
Mr. Bruno asked Mr. Jensen to have the select board to reach out to Dave Willey.
Nancy Strand asked about Manufactured Mobile home warrant article. She was told that the public hearing for this will be November 4th, 2020.
November 4 and November 18, 2020 the planning board will be hold a public hearing to discuss the Manufactured Mobile Home and the Special Exception Criteria proposed warrant articles.
Mr. Bruno motion to adjourn Mr. Rodrigues second 5-0 adjourned
Respectfully submitted
Deb Bayley
P/Z Clerk