10/30/2024 ZBA Minutes
2155 Main Street
Bethlehem, NH 03574
ZBA Public Hearing
October 30, 2024
Present: Andrea Bryant, Ruth Heintz, Chris McGrath, David Van Houten, Josh Lieberman
Andrea Bryant opened the meeting at 6:00.
The board reviewed minutes from October 22nd, 2024, line by line, correcting both spelling and grammar errors. The Board also requested some contextual changes were also made to better reflect the conversation that took place at the meeting.
Andrea proposed the ZBA submit an amendment to the Zoning Ordinances that changes Public Accommodations in all districts be by Special Exception, rather than an allowed use.
Ruth suggests that “Public Accommodations” be changed to “Hotels/Motels and Other Public Accommodations.” 1:33:29
Andrea motioned to present a warrant article to change Public Accommodations to Hotels and Motels and make it by Special Exception in all districts. David Van Houten seconded the motion, and all remaining members voted in favor.
David Van Houten noted that the spirit and intent of the Master Plan played a big part in the outcome of this public hearing and requested a summary of the Master Plan be devised for future meetings. Andrea noted that the ZBA could not deny an application solely on the Master Plan.
Ruth Heintz motioned to approve the minutes from 10/22/2024. Josh Liberman seconded the motion, and all remaining members voted in favor.
Josh Lieberman motioned to accept the minutes from the Site Visit on 10/21/2024. David Van Houten seconded the motion, and all remaining members who were in attendance voted in favor.
David Van Houten moved to adjourn the public hearing at 8:48 pm. Josh Lieberman seconded, all voted in favor. Meeting adjourned.
Respectfully submitted by,
Dawn Ferringo
Planning and Zoning Board Clerk