10/9/2024 PB Minutes
2155 Main Street
Bethlehem, NH 03574
Planning Board Public Hearing
October 9, 2024
Present: Linda Moore, Veronica Morris, Kevin Roy, Sally Fitzgerald, Alecia Loveless, and Angela Cleveland
Absent: Sean Gawlik and Jerry Blanchard
Linda Moore opened the meeting at 6:00 pm and appointed Angela Cleveland as a full voting member for Sean Gawlik.
Linda reopened the public hearing for a minor subdivision for Ohana Stays LLC and verified with the Planning Board that the ZBA approval included a variance for minimum lot frontage.
Kevin Roy motioned to approve the minor subdivision for Ohana Stays LLC for their property located on Strawberry Hill St. Alecia Loveless seconded; a unanimous vote in favor followed.
Paul Greenlaw from Bethlehem Reimagined is before the Planning Board to introduce a potential new project for BRI’s property, formerly known as the Sinclair Lot, located on Main Street. The new project would be an extension of Hillview Apartments, which his owned by Housing Initiatives of New England Corporation (HINEC)
Bill Walker, VP of HINEC, is before the Planning Board to present a conceptual design for a 32 unit senior housing project that would be an extension of the existing senior housing project known as Hillview Apartments. Bill explains that currently there is a 2 + year waiting list to get into the current apartments. This new project would open up 32 additional units on a section of the former Sinclair Lot, currently owned by BRI.
The 32 units would be in one building that would stand 3 stories high. The project would need to come before the Planning Board for a Lot Line Adjustment and Site Plan Review. HINEC would also need to go to the ZBA for two Special Exceptions, Multi-Family Dwelling Unit and Building Height, as well as two Variances, Density and number of attached units.
Angela Cleveland asks about fire safety and Chief Anderson’s thoughts on the project. Bill responded that there would be a hydrant on site and that the entire building would be sprinkled.
Veronic Morris is concerned about the height and notes the 40-foot height restriction is based on Bethlehem’s Fire Departments ability to fight fires in structures taller than 40 fee.
Bill Walker points out that lowering the building’s height would reduce the number of units and that reduces the cost effectiveness of the project.
A conversation ensures regarding the abutters and how it affects their properties. Roland Shick of 2056 Main Street is concerned that the new 3 story building is just 30 feet off the property line he shares with the lot in question.
Veronica feels this is a big building to put right next to someone’s property.
Angela has questions about trash and parking.
Kevin Roy has questions about DOT and NHDES. Bill noted those approvals would be forthcoming.
Linda opens the floor to the public.
Andrea Bryant, ZBA Chair, had questions about what the building would look like.
Estalee Fernald of Hillview Apartments expresses concerns about the access to the new building through the existing Hillview buildings
The board reviewed the minutes from August 28th. Jerry Blanchard motioned to accept the minutes as written. Linda Moore seconded; a 6-0 vote in favor followed. Kevin Roy abstained due to absence.
Veronica Morris motioned to adjourn, Sean seconded, all in favor.
Respectfully submitted by,
Dawn Ferringo,
Planning and Zoning Clerk