08/07/2024 BC Minutes
2155 Main Street
Bethlehem, NH 03574
Wednesday, August 7, 2024
2:00 pm
Members Present: Carol Haywood, Dawn Ferringo, Kay Kerr, Erin Talcott, Tina Lister
Minutes of July 12, 2024 were approved.
ET moved to go into nonpublic session. CH seconded.
Case #2024-32 (SM) Looking for car repair in the amount of $1247.81. Her mother paid for the repair with credit card. Town has been helping with rent since January, 2024. CH made a motion to approve the $1247.81 to reimburse applicant’s mother. TL seconded. Motion approved.
Case #2024-33 (ND) Looking for assistance with car repair. She has a job. She needed to get a new car and got one for $3200 on July 21. Car needed work done at the cost of $300. ET made a motion to approve payment for car repair. CH seconded. Motion approved.
Case #2024-31 from last meeting did not follow through with what needed to be done so no check was dispensed.
TL moved to leave nonpublic session. ET seconded. Motion passed.
Christine Etter questioned through email whether she should remain on the committee as her schedule has restricted her ability to attend meetings. Conversation ensued about proceeding with replacing members. Suggestion was made to have a meeting when all members could be present to discuss further.
KK moved to adjourn. ET seconded. All approved.
Meeting adjourned 2:40 pm.