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11/04/2024 SB Minutes

2155 Main Street
Bethlehem, NH 03574

Bethlehem Board of Selectmen

Meeting Minutes

November 4th, 2024

In person –Chairman Bruno, Select Woman Strand, and Selectman Morris.  Select Woman Hibberd attended the meeting remotely.

Minute Discussion-Martie Cook- Chairman Bruno introduced Martie Cook to discuss her concerns from the meeting minutes dated September 9th and 16th.  Ms. Cook addressed the board stating she believed the minutes should have stated work force housing instead of housing and wanted added that Select Person Strand stated she believes the town is doing nothing regarding to help the housing crisis.  Selectman Morris stated the board already discussed making that change to the minutes and declined which is consistent with the board’s position on making editorial changes verses amending corrections.  Chairman Bruno stated he watched the recording of both meetings and affordable housing was stated most prevalently during the September 9th meeting not workforce.  Ms. Cook replied that the minutes did not reflect the detail of the discussion.  Ms. Cook continued that she specifically spoke at the meeting on September 16th to clarify Select Peron Strands comments for the volunteers who helped with the NHHOP grant.  Select Woman Strand stated that her comments on September 9th were related to affordable housing, and she was inquiring what the Select Board could do.  Select Woman Hibberd stated she did not agree with amending the minutes based on public input.  Chairman Bruno asked if Ms. Cook would agree to addendum to the minutes and she agreed.  Select Woman Strand reiterated that the discussion on September 9th was in reference to affordable housing and during that discussion she was asking the Select Board if they could address this issue and the work the Planning Board had done to change the ordinances had been acknowledged.  Ms. Cook replied, “all she is asking is for the minutes to accurately reflect what was said”.  Select Woman Hibberd stated the board agreed they were not going to change approved minutes based on public input.  Selectman Morris noted Ms. Cooks requests to change the minutes of September 9th and 16th would be noted in the minutes of this meeting.  She continued there is a difference between correcting an error of the minutes versus amending the summation.  Selectman Morris continued after reviewing the video she agreed that STR was not mentioned but was reflected in the minutes.  Chairman Bruno agreed it would be striking something that wasn’t said.  Select Woman Hibberd did not agree.

Selectman Morris motioned to amend the minutes from September 16th to strike the words and adopting STR ordinance. Select Woman Strand seconded.  Vote carried 3-1 Select Woman Hibberd opposed and Selectman Caplain was not present. 

Budget Calendar-The board discussed the dates of the 2025 budget overviews and agreed on 11/18, 12/2, 12/9 and total overview on 12/16.

RSA 79E- Select Woman Strand would like to investigate adopting RSA 79-a which would be to adopt a community revitalization tax credit and would require a warrant at town meeting.  Chairman Bruno stated there have been significant zoning amendments over the past two years and he dis not feel there was enough time to research and develop a new ordinance for 2025 town meeting.  Select Woman Strand stated she believes this would be worth the town investigating in the future.  Selectman Morris stated RSA 79-a has been in existence for over 40 years and she believes there could be public benefit for the town.  Selectman Morris continued several communities have adopted 79-a and we could contact them to get input.

Engineering Consultant- Chairman Bruno motioned to accept the RFQ for engineering services.  Select Woman Strand seconded, and all were in favor. 

Fire Truck Repair/Roof Repair Final-Selectman Morris motioned to approve the bill of $10,632 to repair engine 2.  Select Woman Strand seconded, and all were in favor.

Chairman Bruno motioned to approve the roofing bill for the pool barn that was estimated at $11,000 and increased to $17,550.  Selectman Morris seconded, and all were in favor. 

Rocks Estate Assessment- The board discussed having CMP Assessing review the Rocks Estate evaluation in 2025 so the board would be able to readdress their PILOT.

Minutes 10/21- Chairman Bruno moved to accept the minutes from October 21st.  Selectman Morris seconded, and all were in favor. 

Updates and other business- Chairman Bruno stated Mary Jackson, Tax Collector, is seeking an abatement for interest charge because of a mail issue on Map 201 001 001.

Selectman Morris motioned to abate Map 201 001 001 in the amount of $57.95.  Select Woman Strand seconded, and all were in favor. 

Non-public Session per RSA 91A-3 II (personnel, reputation, and legal) Chairman Bruno motioned to go into nonpublic per RSA 91A-3 II for reasons of personnel, and reputation. Selectman Morris seconded and roll call followed.

The board discussed a personnel issue.

Chairman Bruno made a motion to adjourn at 8:00. Selectman Strand seconded, and all were in favor.

Respectfully submitted,

Mary Moritz

Town Administrator