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11/10/2021 PB Minutes

2155 Main Street
Bethlehem, NH 03574


Planning Board November 10, 2021



6 p.m.



Town Hall: Chair Mike Bruno, Johnathan Stevenson, Kevin Roy, Anthony Rodrigues, Alecia Loveless, and Chris Jensen

Excused absence: Vice Chair Kim Koprowski

Alternate: Peter Roy


All stood for the pledge of allegiance.


Chair Bruno opened the meeting and read the AGENDA. He then appointed Peter Roy as a voting member.


The audio for this meeting was extremely hard to understand.


Tara Bamford discussed with the planning board her suggestions to streamline the subdivision regulations.  They will be included in the minutes.

She will be back to the planning board on December 8, 2021.  At this time, she will have the subdivision checklist suggestions complete.  Then the board can set a date for the public hearing.

Tara Bamford closed


Minutes October 27, 2021

Mr. Jensen motion to approve minutes from 10-27-21.  Alecia Loveless second. 3-2 passed

Anthony Rodrigues and Peter Roy abstained



Mr. Bruno explained a level budget. Money for tech. support for meetings will be coming out of the ARPA fund.  Also, Tara Bamford subdivision, site plan and zoning ordinance clean up will hopefully be funded through the fund.


Board Business

Letter was sent to the board from Rek’lis that is only for discussion.   Rek’lis will be discussing the letter at the December 8, 2021, meeting.  They would like a change of use approval for the Balance building.  They would like to waive Site Plan Review for this phase of the operation.   Alecia Loveless said that the letter is straight forward.



Anthony Rodriques asked if there were any applications for alternates.  Mr. Bruno said only “Tinker”.

Chris Jensen has the alternate position advertised in the newsletter.


Anthony Rodrigues motion to adjourn Peter Roy second.  All in favor



Respectfully submitted

Deb Bayley

Planning/Zoning Clerk