11/14/2023 ZBA Minutes
2155 Main Street
Bethlehem, NH 03574
Zoning Board of Adjustments Meeting
November 14, 2023
Present: Andrea Bryant, Christopher McGrath, David Van Houten, Ruth Heintz, and Frank Pinter
Andrea Bryant opened the meeting at 6:00 pm
The board had a brief discussion about citing the Pledge of Allegiance at the start of each meeting.
Ruth noted that the Profile School Board does not routinely say the Pledge unless someone in attendance requests it.
David Van Houten motioned to drop the Pledge of Allegiance from future ZBA meetings. Frank Pinter seconded the motion which passed 3-1. Andrea abstained.
The board reviewed the minutes from August 1, 2023. Andrea pointed out there was an ‘a’ missing form the end of her name on the top of the second page. David Van Houten moved to accept the minutes with the one correction. Frank Pinter seconded; the motion passed 5-0.
The Board set the next meeting date for 2/13/24.
There was a discussion regarding 2444 Main Street and questions regarding what the property is currently being used for. Has there been a change of use? Dawn will look into it further.
David motioned to adjourn at 6:11. Ruth seconds, motion passes 5-0.
Respectfully submitted,
Dawn Ferringo
Planning and Zoning Board Clerk