11/18/2021 CC Minutes
2155 Main Street
Bethlehem, NH 03574
Bethlehem Conservation Commission
November 18, 2021
Present: Chair Lindsay Webb, Vivian Winterhoff, Nicole McGrath, Margaret Gale, Cheryl Jensen, Alternate Marilyn Johnson
Absent: None
Guest: Selectboard member Chris Jensen, Andre Aoun
Lindsay called the meeting to order at 6:02pm.
Andre Aoun a resident of Bethlehem, gave a presentation on litter along Brook Road, the research he has done and some ideas and suggestions for addressing the problem through: education, enforcement and infrastructure. Lindsay thanked Andre for his time and input. There was discussion on the adopt a road program, support for a bottle bill in NH, and working with citizens to increase awareness and education about anti-littering, and working with other town departments for litter enforcement and clean up. The Conservation Commission offered to help coordinate volunteers to clean up litter prior to roadside mowing. The BCC will look into purchasing anti-littering signage and increased posts on the Facebook page.
Lindsay moved to accept the minutes of September 23, 2021, Margaret seconded, motion passed 4-0, Cheryl abstained. Cheryl motioned to accept the minutes of October 28, 2021, Lindsay seconded, motion passed 3-0, Nicole and Vivian abstained.
Margaret gave the Treasurer’s Report. There was $14,695.28 in the savings account and $845 in the town account.
The BCC reviewed the mailbag items. (see attached list)
Cheryl contacted Principal Sue Greenlaw, they did not have any field trips this year and nothing is planned at this time. They are not sure about next year at this point.
Lindsay brought a draft outreach poster for the BCC to review and comment on. The poster would be printed on 24 x24 poster and would be available to display at BCC events to encourage residents to consider joining the conservation commission. Lindsay will update the poster based on the comments and suggestions and bring an updated poster to the next meeting for continued discussion.
Margaret looked into buying organic t-shirts but the cost is prohibitive. Cheryl got a quote from Paul Greenlaw for $6.25/ea for 72-143 t-shirts or $5.75 if we order 144+, This is in the safety green with the same logo we used in the past. She was not able to find 100% cotton shirts. There was discussion on using the new Just Be logo, Just Be Greener or possibly Just Be Caring. Cheryl will reach out to Paul to see how much this changes the quote and if we can get t-shirts made out of recycled material. Discussion on inviting the Transfer Station Committee to collaborate with the BCC on the Annual Roadside Clean up.
The BCC was contacted to see if a business could use the Town Forest for an event. Cheryl reached out to Administrative Assistant Tim Fleury. Tim and Primex, the Town’s Insurance company said that non- town sponsored events could be held on the Town Forest with Selectboard approval with the appropriate insurances and liability waivers on file. Cheryl will forward the response to the BCC members.
2022 BUDGET:
There is no change to the proposed 2022 budget. Cheryl moved to approved the proposed 2022 budget Margaret seconded, motion passed, 5-0. Cheryl motioned to move the money remaining in the Town Account to the savings account, Margaret seconded, Motion passed 5-0. The BCC will be getting $532 in Land Use Change Tax money this year.
Nicole put together a permitting resource chart for the BCC to review and comment on. Cheryl let the BCC know that Tim Egan will be going to the Transfer Station Committee meeting on December 14th at 6:00 to discuss the proposed bottle bill.
NEXT MEETINGS: 6pm (Library)
December – No Meeting
January 27
February 24
Viian motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:00pm, motion was seconded by Lindsay and passed unanimously.
Meeting adjourned 8:00pm
Respectfully Submitted,
Nicole McGrath, Secretary