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11/19/2020 CC Minutes

2155 Main Street
Bethlehem, NH 03574

Bethlehem Conservation Commission

November 19, 2020


Zoom Meeting


Present: Cheryl Jensen, Lindsay Webb, Linda Moore, Nicole McGrath, Vivian Winterhoff, Alternate Marilyn Johnson

Absent: Margaret Gale

Guests: Barry Zitser


The meeting was opened at 6:04pm.



The BCC reviewed the minutes of October 26, 2020. There was a minor correction to the minutes under public comment.  Cheryl motioned to accept the minutes with the change, Linda seconded, motion passed 5-0.


Treasurer’s Report:

There is $600.46 remaining in the town account, spent this year was a total of $669.54. The savings account at the end of October had $14,311.01. Cheryl motioned we transfer the remaining money from the town account to the savings account, $600.46, Linda seconded, motion passed 5-0.



The BCC discussed the NHACC Dues.  Lindsay motioned that after January 1st we pay our NHACC Dues in the amount of $275, Cheryl seconded, motion passed unanimously.


2021 Budget

The BCC discussed the budget. The BCC budget will be presented on December 14th.  Lindsay will present to the Selectboard a flat budget of $1,270. There is no change to the budget. There will be no land use change tax due to the BCC this year.  Cheryl motioned we adopt the budget to send to the Select Board, Linda seconded, motion passed unanimously.



  • 10/16/2020: NH DES Draft List of Impaired Waters
  • 10/14/2020: Request for more information from NHDES re: Omni Mt. Wash
  • 10/15/2020: Draft Title V Operating Permit from NCES
  • 10/26/2020: Currents and Eddies – CT River Conservancy Newsletter


There was no discussion on the mail items. The first three items were discussed at the last meeting.


Food Waste Diversion Program Discussion:

The BCC discussed the possibility of a partnership with NCES to pursue a food waster diversion program as a condition of their state approval for landfill expansion. Linda would like to move forward very slowly with this suggestion. Cheryl does not want to proceed with the food waste diversion program. Nicole is in favor of pursuing the program. Vivian is also in support of the program. Lindsay supports the food waste diversion program in general but understands some members being hesitant and would want more information before decided if she felt comfortable pursuing the program. Barry explained a bit more about his suggestion for pursuing this possibility. He explained that his suggestion might not go anywhere at all. It is a result of a condition on the NCES expansion and even if we do pursue it, it does not guaranty that we would be able to participate. Any agreement will need to be brought to the Select Board for approval.


The Conservation Law Foundation has filed an appeal to the expansion approval. Linda thinks we should wait to see what happens with the appeal. Nicole motioned that we recommend to the Selectboard that they pursue the food waste diversion program through the condition 27e. Lindsay would like more information before we proceed. Linda agrees more information is need, 2-3, motion failed. (Nicole, Vivian – Linda, Lindsay, Cheryl). Lindsay would like to revisit once we have more information and she has time to review the lawsuit filed by conservation law foundation. The vote will not prevent the Select Board from pursuing this option if they are interested in doing so.


Other/New Business:

Vivian attended the virtual NHACC conference she attended wetlands 101. She will forward the slides and additional materials that she received to the rest of the BCC for reference. She also attended a talk about using technology in conservation.  They learned about a program called Gia GPS, you can download it on your phone, it may be helpful on the Town Forest.  The program is very affordable and may be something we want to look into for the Town Forest.


Public Comment:

Complaint about a property on Main St that may have wetlands impacts. The complaint was brought to the attention of the Town, excavation and tree removal, possibly in wetlands area. Discussion on pursuing this this further. Nicole volunteered to look into the complaint further and take photographs from the snowmobile trail.


Next Meetings: 6pm (Location TBD or Zoom)

December – no meeting unless needed

January 28, 2020


Nicole motioned to adjourn at 7:19pm, Cheryl seconded, motion passed unanimously.


Meeting adjourned.


Respectfully Submitted,

Nicole McGrath, Secretary