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11/19/2024 TSC Minutes

2155 Main Street
Bethlehem, NH 03574




The meeting began at 6:02 PM with Chris Jensen, Nancy Strand, Julie Seely, Barry Zitser, and Paul Karpawich present. A member of the public, Allegra Wright, attended the meeting.

There was no public comment.

Chris gave an update on Rusty Scott’s visit to the Route 116 site for the future transfer station. Rusty thought the site had a lot of room and was well suited for a transfer station. He thought we could take advantage of the landscape drop-off to facilitate some of the future operations. He also believes that three-phase electrical power should still be pursued. Rusty did not believe we should rule out any curbside pick-up, and suggested that we should get some estimates. Chris provided some background information of Waste Management’s informal six figure estimate for townwide curbside pick-up.  Rusty, however, stated that the costs of the partial pick-up in his town was $62,000, which also includes recyclables.  Julie noted that the Village District had curbside pick-up of solid waste only for Village District residents during the last time the Town had responsibility for solid waste management.  However, the Village District also assumed the collection costs, which were about $50,000.

The general sense among the members was that we should gather some information prior to seeking authority to go out to bid for curbside pick-up. There was a discussion of how to obtain an accurate figure on the number of Bethlehem’s households, and also whether some additional informal information should be sought from some haulers.

Nancy suggested that we provide Rusty with some additional information to assist him in rendering a report, particularly since he is being paid.  He should be asked for a list of essential equipment, along with a ballpark estimate of costs. He should also be asked where he would locate items, as well as the size of the building and its inside layout. Rusty’s recommendations should also be sought on the hours that the transfer station should be opened and the heating source for the building. He should also disclose what costs are covered by the PAYT bags at his transfer station. Barry noted that we could ask Mary whether the recyclable estimates that are being provided in the  town’s Solid Waste Infrastructure for Recycling Grant (SWIFR) application should be reviewed with Rusty at tomorrow’s meeting concerning the grant application.

In a discussion of solar power for the future transfer station, it appears that the Library building did not have a sufficient solar array to meet all of its electrical needs. The Town Garage, however, had more than a sufficient solar array, and is receiving money back through net billing.  It was agreed not to ask Rusty to include the costs of a solar array in his report at this time. Allegra noted that the next meeting of the Bethlehem Energy Committee is Dec. 3rd.

In an update on potential grant opportunities, Nancy noted that U.S. Democratic Senators are trying to get the Congressional earmarks passed before the change of Administration. Nancy also updated the Committee on Chris and Barry’s efforts in assisting Mary Moritz in submitting a SWIFR application. Julie noted that SWIFR funds might be in jeopardy after the Administration change. Chris noted that the Mascoma Bank Foundation is no longer giving grants to governmental entities, but is limiting its grants to non-profit organizations.

There was a consensus that we should await Rusty Scott’s report prior to having a further discussion on a potential reduction of Phase I costs

The draft minutes of the October 15, 2024 meeting were unanimously approved, and Barry said he would forward them to Nicole.

In a discussion of whether to recommend a March warrant to increase the transfer station capital reserve fund, the consensus was that we should wait until the tax rate is set in about two weeks.

Julie is monitoring the 2026 closing date of the NCES landfill.  She noted that there was a suggestion by the Casella organization that the landfill might reserve space into 2027.

The Committee’s next meeting date was set for December 17th.

The meeting adjourned at 7:10 PM.