11/21/2022 SB Minutes
2155 Main Street
Bethlehem, NH 03574
Bethlehem Board of Selectmen
Meeting Minutes
November 21, 2022
In person – Select person Hibberd, Select person Jensen and Select person Morris
Select person Hibberd opened the meeting at 6:11.
Public Input- Chris McGrath requested the select board try and keep the budget low. He also questioned the amount of money allocated to the marketing budget and the results of those efforts. Select person Jensen noted funding for the marketing plan was supported by a Rural development grant and tying specific growth to the marketing plan would be difficult to capture. Select person Jensen continued his intent in adopting a marketing plan was economic development for Bethlehem by supporting Bethlehem businesses.
Tax Rate Setting- The board discussed the benefits of using funds from the fund balance to offset the tax rate. Select person Hibberd suggested using $400,000 to bring the fund balance within the recommended percentage from the Department of Revenue Administration.
Select person Morris made a motion to use $400,000 from the fund balance to offset to make the tax rate to $23.69. Select person Jenson seconded all were in favor. (11/30/2022 per DRA Changed to $23.89)
Profile Technologies- The board discussed Profile Technologies service plan. It was agreed that the Silver plan was not adequate, having only 6 hours of tech support a month and that we should increase our tech support to the Gold plan which totals 10 hours of service a month.
Select person Morris made a motion to change from the Silver Profile service plan to the Gold plan. Select person Jensen seconded and all were in favor.
Center for Eco Technology letter of support- Select person Morris explained the Center for Eco Technology has supported the Transfer Station Committee and local businesses and the town should send a letter of support for their upcoming USDA grant application.
Select person Morris made a motion to send a letter of support for Center for Eco Technology for their upcoming grant application. Select person Hibberd seconded and all were in favor.
KRT Assessing 2023 Reevaluation documents- The board discussed the PR material that KRT Assessing provided and decided to post the material on the website. Select person Morris also suggested posting on the website additional information for residents on the process of disputing the value of their property within the assessing office.
Visitors Center Roof- HEB engineers report- Select person Hibberd recommended getting quotes based on the engineering report to possibly add a warrant to the 2023 town meeting. Both Select person Morris and Select person Jensen agreed.
Remove Tim Fleury from the Woodsville Guarantee credit card and add Mary Moritz
Select person Hibberd made a motion to remove Tim Fleury from the Woodsville Guarantee credit card and add Mary Moritz. Select person Morris seconded and all were in favor.
Short term and long-term disability plans- Select person Morris made a motion to add 26 weeks of short term disability and 66% of pay for long term disability and life insurance to the towns benefits for an increased cost of $12,995.36. Select person Jensen seconded and all were in favor.
Estimates for Police Department repairs- The board discussed the three estimates for the Police Department flood repairs. Select person Hibberd explained her reservation for the proposed work unrelated to the flood because the overall budget is tight. She continued she is not opposed to the expense but explained her concern of the ramifications of going over budget. Select person Morris proposed using ARPA funds if necessary. Select person Hibberd was uncomfortable allocating ARPA funds without a full board. Select person Morris continued that this was an opportunity to do some of the construction projects that have been requested in the past while the Police department is using a temporary office.
Select person Morris made a motion to move forward with the two estimates but not the estimate for the floor. Select person Jensen seconded the motion and Select person Hibberd opposed.
Select person Morris asked the board to put forth a warrant changing the name of the Bethlehem Town Forrest from Bethlehem Town Forrest to Tellman-Johnson Town Forest honoring Tanya Tellman and Marilyn Johnson who were founding members of the Conservation Commission.
Non-public Session per RSA 91A-3 II (personnel, reputation, and legal)
Select person Hibberd made a motion to go into non-public per RSA-91A-3 for reasons of personnel, reputation and legal. Select person Morris seconded and roll call followed.
Select person Hibberd made a motion to adjourn 8:30 pm Select person Morris seconded, and all were in favor.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Moritz
Administrative assistant