12/02/2020 PB Minutes
2155 Main Street
Bethlehem, NH 03574
Planning Board
December 2, 2020
6 p.m.
Present at town hall: Chairman Johnathan Stevenson, Marie Stevenson, Chris McGrath, Kevin Roy
Alternates: Peter Roy and Anthony Rodrigues
Mike Bruno, Chris Jensen were remote
Excused absence: Kim Koprowski
Mr. Stevenson opened the meeting at 6:00
Pledge of Allegiance
Mr. Stevenson asked Peter Roy to become a board member for the evening.
General contractor for the synagogue Michael Couture presented the updated plans to the board. The front deck is two feet deeper at 14 feet. (55.8 x 14’). They are adding 5 toilets and a small office in the front.
Mr. McGrath as why there enclosed the porch. For more enclosed space answered the contractor. Mr. Bruno asked if setbacks were in place. Mr. McGrath said that it was approved by the code officer. Also, the plat clearly shows the setbacks.
No further comments.
Mr. McGrath motion to waive Site Plan Review for further updated plans for the synagogue. Peter Roy seconded. 7-0 motion passed
Closed conceptual
Minutes from 11/4/20 and 11/18/20
Mr. Stevenson motion to approve minutes Mr. McGrath seconded 6-1 motion passed Peter Roy abstained.
Public notice for Manufactured Homes
Open public hearing
Manufactured mobile home proposed warrant article discussion.
Martie Cook is in favor of this article. Rita Farrell asked for an explanation of the article.
No more comments
Mr. McGrath motion to approve the proposed Mobile Home warrant article as it reads Mr. Jensen seconded. 6-1 motion passed Peter Roy opposed
This was the second public hearing for the proposed warrant article.
To see if manufactured (mobile) homes as defined by the state of New Hampshire (RSA 674:31), meeting the federal (H.U.D.) standards adopted in 2000 and having a slab or foundation shall be allowed on single lots if given permission by the Zoning Board of Appeals. If this article fails, starting in April 2020 manufactured homes will be limited to special parks or subdivisions.
The planning board recommends this.
Closed second public hearing for MH warrant article.
Open public hearing for Special Exception Criteria change.
The board thanked the Zoning Board for updating the ZBA criteria.
There was no public comment.
Mr. Bruno motion to approve updated ZBA criteria for the proposed warrant article. Mrs. Stevenson seconded 7-0 passed
Closed public hearing for special Exception criteria change.
This is the second public hearing for the proposed ZBA criteria.
Zoning Board Proposed changes
ZBA meeting 9/22/20
(Written together and accepted unanimously)
Special Exceptions Criteria
The proposed use, structure, or change to a structure or use:
- shall meet the requirements of the Bethlehem zoning ordinances and is consistent with the spirit and intent of the Bethlehem Master Plan.
- shall not negatively impact the health, safety, or general welfare of the neighborhood and/or the town, including but not limited to noise, odor, vibration, glare, hours of operation, traffic, lighting, runoff, and/or pollutants.
- shall be compatible with the character of the neighborhood and the town and will not diminish or have a negative effect on property values.
- shall not overload or result in an excessive demand on municipal services and/or facilities, including but not limited to schools, emergency services, water and sewage, waste disposal and road maintenance.
Budget for 2021
Mr. McGrath motion to keep the budget the same as last year. (flat budget) Mrs. Stevenson seconded 7-0 motion passed
Board business
Peter Roy asked about short-term rentals in the town. He asked if there could be a warrant article for this. Mr. Stevenson explained that it is too late for this year. Mr. Stevenson asked Deb Bayley if she could find out what other towns are doing regarding short term rentals. Kevin Roy said that family dwellings are becoming nonresidential. Peter Roy also mentioned the Bear ordinance that is not being followed. He was directed to the Select Board. Mr. McGrath mentioned that the Planning Board is not the enforcer the Select Board is.
Mrs. Stevenson motion to adjourn Peter Roy second 7-0 adjourned
Respectfully submitted
Deb Bayley
P/Z Clerk