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12/05/2023 EC Minutes

2155 Main Street
Bethlehem, NH 03574


Bethlehem Energy Commission

Tuesday Dec 5, 2023

6:00 pm at the Bethlehem Library



Attending:  Chuck Phillip Dan Crosby, Scott Caisse, Mary Lou Krambeer, David Van Houten, Bruce Caplain.

Melissa Elander joined by phone.  Meeting chaired by Scott.

Mission: The Bethlehem Energy Commission encourages and supports economically and environmentally sensible energy practices in Bethlehem, NH.

Minutes from November meeting: Motion to accept: David, second: Chuck; unanimously accepted.

Public input – Chris Dube (Franconia), Jim Fitzpatrick (Franconia), Mark Koprowski (Bethlehem)

Discussed upcoming Dec 7 and Dec 14 Community Power Public Hearings


Community Power and upcoming public hearings: Hearing on Thursday, Dec 7 and Dec 14 at 6PM at Profile High School Sugar Hill, Franconia, Bethlehem are doing a joint presentation.  Melissa and Fitz were on a call with Andrew today to finalize the presentation.

TO DO:  Each Town will have a link on their website with the Community Power PowerPoint and the emerging aggregation plan. Dan will chair meeting and Fitz will handle Q&A session.

TO DO:  Mary Lou contact Courier and Caledonian about meetings

Village district progress check-in –trees have come down, land leveled, and posts are about ready to be put up.  Should be completed by Spring. DES is quickly turning around request for reimbursement funds.

Main Street Solar – Bruce said the first application was filed, lots of paperwork involved. First round involves Super Secret Ice Cream, PMR (is working directly with Clean Energy New Hampshire), Rosa’s, Maia Papaya.

Draft Solar Energy Property Tax Exemption warrant articleSolar Energy Systems up to 100kW will be exempt from property valuation assessments as long as the primary purpose of energy generated by the system is either: consumed on-site; net-metered; or group net-metered. Solar Energy Systems with a primary purpose of selling to the grid for profit will not be exempt.

TO DO: Scott will rewrite and circulate.  Melissa will run it by CENH attorney about wording.

Solarize North Country – Lots of tours and meetings with perspective solar consumers. 70 people signed-up for estimates. Hope to get 140 signed-up for estimates.  We hope to get 25-30 installations solar in 2024.

Other – Suggested Reading:  How the World Really Works, Vaclav Smil

Eversource now has a time of day rate on their bills


Next meetingTuesday, January 2 at 6PM at Bethlehem Library; David will chair the meeting

TO DO:  David will contact library


Adjourn – 7:10 pm