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12/08/2021 PB Minutes

2155 Main Street
Bethlehem, NH 03574


Planning Board December 8, 2021



6 p.m.



Town Hall: Chair Mike Bruno, Kim Koprowski, Johnathan Stevenson, Anthony Rodrigues, Alecia Loveless, and Chris Jensen

Excused absence: Kevin Roy

Alternate: Peter Roy


All stood for the pledge of allegiance.


Chair Bruno opened the meeting and read the AGENDA. He then appointed Peter Roy as a voting member.


Larry Benson and Patrick Cullen 213 Lewis Hill Road district on conceptual

Home business

Snowmobiles, four wheelers, and tractors for repair and sale.

Mr. Bruno explained that there was a complaint regarding the Benson home business.

The complaint was referred to Dave Wiley the town inspector.  He generated a letter to the Benson house.

  • Jensen expressed his thoughts concerning the business not being a permitted use.
  • Kim Koprowski explained that by RSA 215-A:26 one would need to apply for a permit through Fish and Game.
  • Service Stations in D1 are not permitted without a special exception from the ZBA.
  • Bruno and the board would like to find out if Service Station would fall under OHRV sales and repair.


  • Bruno would like to have Deb Bayley contact NHMA for their interpretation of Service Station.

Peter Roy made a motion to continue this conceptual until January 12, 2022, until Deb has a chance to reach out to NHMA for Service Station interpretation.  Anthony Rodrigues second.

7-0 passed

Closed Benson conceptual




Open Rek-lis conceptual

Co-owner Marlana Dowling explained to the board that Rek’lis brewing would like to establish a tasting room at the former Balance building which the brewery now owns.

Parts of the building would be used for a tasting room, overflow for the restaurant, and for spirit/beer educational programs, and corporate and public events.

Seating would be for about 50 people.

In good weather there might be live music outside. Hours could be Friday through Sunday 12-9.


The Board declined a suggestion from Chris McGrath a homeowner in Bethlehem; that the board waive Site Plan for Rek’lis.

Mr. Robie Sr.  from the Village District said that they met with Rek’lis and at this time there were not any issues. The Village district considers Rek’lis good neighbors.


Members of the board would like to have e a public hearing to ensure abutters get the chance to voice their opinion and the opportunity to hear details in a public forum.


Mr. Bruno suggested that Rek’lis get their Site Plan done sooner than later to ensure that they meet the deadline for the January 12, 2022, meeting. All board members agreed.

Closed Rek’lis conceptual


Tara Bamford sub-division and checklist revisions

The board praised Tara’s work.

Mr. Bruno set a public hearing date to adopt the changes and additions to proposed checklist and subdivision. It is required to have the meeting noticed.  January 12, 2022, was set for the meeting.


Tara Bamford asked the board to sign her extended contract for 2022.

Mr. Jensen motion to sign an extended 2022 contract for Tara Bamford. Kim Koprowski second

7-0 passed

Mike Bruno signed the document.


Board Business

Mr. Bruno asked Mr. Jensen if the 10,000-dollar ARPA funds were approved by the Select Board and subsequently added to the Planning Board budget.  Mr. Jensen did not have an answer as to when the Select Board meeting would take place.  He assured the planning board that the Select Board was onboard for the 10,000 dollars from the ARPA fund earmarked for the Planning Board. They just haven’t set a date for the meeting.




PB Alternate

Marie Stevenson is the only person showing interest in becoming a planning board alternate.  The position was advertised on the Bethlehem website and other online venues.

Deb was asked to have Mrs. Stevenson come to our next meeting after being sworn in at the town office.

Mr. Bruno motion to nominated Marie “Tinker” Stevenson to a 3-year alternate position with the Planning Board.  Mr. Jensen second.  7-0 all in favor




Minutes 11-10-21

Anthony Rodrigues motion to approve 11-10-21 minutes. Johnathan Stevenson second.

6-1    Kim Koprowski abstained passed


Kim Koprowski motion to adjourn.  Anthony Rodrigues second.  All in favor 7-0.



Respectfully submitted

Deb Bayley

Planning/Zoning Clerk